1. Accessibility declaration
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is constantly striving to make its website as accessible as possible. Specifications for this are laid down in the Berlin Accessible Information and Communication Technology Act (BIKTG Bln). The technical requirements for accessibility are derived from BITV 2.0.
The METIS website is designed accessibly in the following respects: all photos have image descriptions (in alt text), no videos are included, PDFs are navigable, and no non-accessible forms and tools are integrated. The website appears in English only. The website is not accessible in that its content is not accessible in German, American, or British Sign Language (DGS, ASL, or BSL). Compliance with the standards of accessible design were assessed by METIS Coordination.
2. Feedback
Please report accessibility issues to metis-online@hu-berlin.de. Your concern will be addressed promptly.
3. Reference to the conciliation board BGG
You have the option of initiating a conciliation procedure with the BGG conciliation body in accordance with Section 16 of the Disability Equality Act (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz).
4. Accessibility in plain language
1. The METIS website is accessible for photos, PDFs, forms and tools. It appears in English only. It does not have content in sign language.
2. If you have a problem with the website, please write an email to metis-online@hu-berlin.de.
3. You can write to the BGG conciliation board if you experience any disadvantages.