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Tools to help you work towards gender equality and family friendliness, diversity and antidiscrimination.


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Die Wissen schafft Podcast

This podcast highlights challenges & opportunities for women in science.
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(Re)Searching Diversity Podcast

In this podcast each episode, one outstanding researcher is invited to discuss the following three segments: The past, the present and the future.
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Forum* Gender Studies Berlin

Learn more about this open network for gender research.
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Equal Opportunities in Appointment Procedures

Learn all about this unconscious bias training here!
photo of Anna Ransiek

METIS Lecture 2024: Recording

This lecture deals with Gender in a mathematical cluster of excellence and was given by Dr Anna Ransiek. 
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Diversity Glossary

Access the Diversity Glossary, a project on the topic of "Words of diversity in a historical context"!
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Care and (Un)Fair

Learn about this handout on the discrimination-sensitive consideration of parents and carers in research funding programmes!
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Zweimal 2x

This podcast is passionate about change and wants to contribute to gender equality in science. Be sure to tune in!
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Frauen machen MINT

The podcast is produced by Femtec Alumnae e.V., one of the largest German-speaking networks for committed women with a passion for technology.
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Critical Diversity

This podcast is part of the Critical Diversity Blog, which brings together contributions on diversity and anti-discrimination at the Berlin University of the Arts and beyond.
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IFiF: Focus on Innovative Women

Learn more about this fascinating meta-project and its various resources!
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Purple Code Podcast

This podcast offers intersectional and feminist perspectives on the networked society. Weizenbaum researchers talk to activists, artists and researchers about the systems of power behind digital technologies.
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Anthology: “Perspektiven für Hanna”

The anthology deals with the precarious working conditions in science, which have been and continue to be discussed publicly under the hashtag "#IchBinHanna" and "#IchBinReyhan".
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BUA Certificate Program

Attend this new study program in the Berlin University Alliance on Gender & Diversity in Science & Technology and join the certificate program.
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Blog: ParenThesis

ParenThesis aims to ensure that scientists no longer have to choose between a career and starting a family.
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DRIVERS – Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation

This critical discussion group takes place every first Monday of each month.
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Motherhood and Science Network

The Motherhood and Science Network offers a forum for all those who identify as mothers* and parents of all genders who work in science.
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Gender Curricula

Gender Curricula offers three different methods in order to improve in all fields.
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Guide on Gender-Sensitive Language in Dissertation

This guide deals with the theoretical background and possible applications for gender- and discrimination-sensitive language.
Prof Kathrin Zippel

METIS Lecture 2023: Recording

This lecture deals with Internationalisation in German Academia and was given by Kathrin Zippel. 
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EUTB: Independent Participation Counselling

The Supplementary Independent Participation Counselling Service (EUTB) supports you with questions about participation.
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Arguing Against Anti-Feminist Statements

This method manual has been compiled and is intended to encourage multipliers, trainers in political education and activists to become active themselves.
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Black Women in Science

The Black Women in Science (BWiS) Network is a community for women of African and Caribbean heritage in various stages of their scientific careers.
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This website offers a variety of resources on topics surrounding LGBTQ+, with a special emphasis on healthcare, research, and social participation.
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Online Toolbox for Antiracist Awareness

This toolbox was designed by experienced antiracism trainers.
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Podcast Mini-Series: The Just University

This podcast mini-series titled "The Just University. Visions of a good and diverse academia" was developed at Universität Göttingen.
Person working in lab

SCIENCeQUALITY: Women Are Credited Less in Science Than Men

SciencEquality is a a bottom up initiative organized by PhD students and postdocs from the HU Berlin which aims to broadcast research promoting equality in science at all levels.
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Unbiased Recruiting & Hiring

These various kinds of resources can help dismantle biases in hiring and recruiting.
Screenshot of cover of Humboldt Chancengleichheit 2021

Humboldt Chancengleich

This yearly publication put out by the Office of the Central Women's Representative at HU Berlin looks at various topics surrounding equal opportunities.
Photo of speakers Jenny Davis and Kathryn Clancy

METIS Lecture 2022: Recording

This lecture addresses the role of gender in human subjects research, suggesting queer feminist interventions into several aspects of research methodology.
METIS Lecture 2021: Recording

METIS Lecture 2021: Recording

This lecture addresses bias and discrimination in AI.
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Online Tutorial: Gender-Sensitive Appointment Procedures

This online course is designed to raise awareness of (unconscious) gender biases and their influence on personnel decisions.
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Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching

This rich toolbox provides everything you need to know to make your teaching more gender and diversity conscious.
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LGBTI Knowledge Portal

This website offers a variety of resources on topics surrounding LGBTI, with a special emphasis on healthcare, research, and social participation.
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Gender and Diversity Sensitivity in Online Teaching

These websites provide information on how you can incorporate gender and diversity considerations into your online teaching.
Infographics: Gender Inequality in Science

Infographics: Gender Inequality in Science

These infographics and data visualisations provide insight into the current state of gender equality in science.
Removing Clichés from Study and Career Choices

Removing Clichés from Study and Career Choices

This collection of articles and interviews addresses the benefits of removing gender stereotypes from study and career choices.
The HU Guide to Gender-Fair Language

The HU Guide to Gender-Fair Language

This brochure provides practical suggestions for how to use more inclusive language.
Gendering STEM Digital - Open Educational Resources

Gendering STEM Digital – Open Educational Resources

These online learning materials are meant to help instructors in STEM fields introduce their students to gender-related topics in their fields.
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Gender-Based and Sexualised Violence in Academia

This webpage brings together diverse information on the topic of sexualised violence in academia, including practical guides, bibliographies, and legal facts.
Gender Statistics Database

Gender Statistics Database

This database provides comprehensive statistics and information on various forms of gender (in)equality.
Gender in Research

Gender in Research

These websites provide large, open-access collections of gender research.
Gender Ratio in Academic Publishing

Gender Ratio in Academic Publishing

This data tool visualises the gender gap in academic publishing in the biomedical field.
Women* in the Humanities

Women* in the Humanities

This series of interviews critically discusses the challenges of being a women* in academia with a variety of researchers involved in the humanities.
She Figures

She Figures

This tri-annual report released by the European Commission provides detailed data on the status of gender equality in Research and Innovation.
Report on Personnel at German Academic Institutions

Report on Personnel at German Academic Institutions

This report from the German Federal Statistical Office includes statistics on the number of women employed in academia.
Gender-Fair Language

Gender-Fair Language

This study examines the effect of gender-fair language on the comprehensibility of texts.
Balancing PhD Studies with Family Life

Balancing PhD Studies with Family Life

This brochure provides comprehensive information on topics surrounding doing a PhD while raising a child.
Students in STEM Subjects

Students in STEM Subjects

This data visualisation provides users with information on enrolment and graduation in STEM subjects with gender as a parameter.
Female Scholars in STEM

Female Scholars in STEM

These databases contains profiles of qualified female scholars in STEM subjects.
Female Scholars in All Fields

Female Scholars in All Fields

These databases contains profiles of qualified female scholars in a variety of fields.
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