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Research on Gender & Diversity

Gender in Research

Here at METIS, we spend a lot of time talking about and promoting  concrete equal opportunities measures. But just as important as the practical implementation of gender equality measures is research on  gender-related topics. Such research often forms the foundation of how we pursue gender equality, both within and outside of academia.

There are a number of online resources that make gender research freely  available and help you reflect on possible gender issues in your  research area. Most famous is the website project initiated by Prof. Londa Schiebinger,  Standford University gendered innovations. On the the website you can find a wide variety of case studies and analyses on the topics of sex and gender in research and science.

Additionally, below you’ll find a selection of links to open-access repositories of publications, collections of research projects, and other related websites.

Decorative image of person reading publication
Photo: Blair Fraser


Gendered Innovations
Website initiated by Prof. Londa Schiebinger at  Standford University.

AFG Berlin
List of research projects having to with gender research at Berlin universities.

Open Gender Platform
Open-access project with links to journals and publications series, blogs, its own repository of freely available publications, and much more.

Open-access repository of publications on gender research. Offers the possibility to upload your own gender-related paper so that it is freely accessible.

Wissensportal LSBTI² 
Collection of knowledge on topics surrounding the health and social participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex people, including a repository of publications, a web catalogue or relevant organisations and archives, and a video portal with lectures.

Blog run by members of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with updates on what’s going on in gender studies at the HU.

Gendering MINT/STEM Digital
Open educational resource with the goal of strengthening gender competencies in STEM

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