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TRR 384

CRC/TRR 384 - Inhibitory neurons: shaping the cortical code
Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Marlene Bartos
Coordinator Dagmar Sonntag
Contact Details +49 761 20367310

Universität Freiburg
Physiologisches Institut I
Hermann-Herder-Straße 7
79104 Freiburg

Research Programme

The SFB Transregio 384 is a transregional consortium of 23 principle investigators (PIs) from Freiburg (Universität Freiburg), Heidelberg (Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg) and Berlin (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin) that focuses on the study of inhibitory neurons to understand their role in information processing and coding in the brain. Using state-of-the-art techniques, we aim to gain new insights into the cortical code, which could be fundamental for the development of innovative treatment strategies for neurological and mental disorders.

Promoting Gender Equality, Diversity and Family Friendliness

  • Eve Marder Award: Named after the American neurobiologist Eve Marder (born May 30. 1948), this Award will be given to an early-stage female scientist within the consortium (postdoctoral researcher or PhD student). The award includes 10.000 EUR to be used for project consumables and travel for project-related collaboration
  • Election of two gender and diversity representatives working with a gender and diversity fund
  • Mandatory courses in unconscious bias for all PIs
  • Female scientist retreat
  • Support by the EIRA-Mentoring program
  • Female friendly working environment
  • Dedicated funding for supporting researchers with gender-related issues
  • Start up funding for early career female scientist and associated members


kick off meeting from our partner IN Code
Photo: Mark Eyre

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