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» Best Practice

These events and programmes are excellent examples of how to promote equal opportunities and diversity,
all organised by our partners.

decorative photo of the workshop

Workshop on Decolonising Research and Antiracism

The first event was an in-person workshop to provide a space for researchers to learn about racism and discrimination in academic structures.
photo of Kovalevskaya-Lunch participants

The MATH+ Kovalevskaya Lunch

The Kovalevskaya Lunch takes place once a semester before the Kovalevskaya Lecture, which is part of the regular MATH+ Friday Colloquium series.
Photo of the three participants of the podcast

Supporting Equal Opportunity for Disabled Scientists

This interview by the EXC NeuroCure aims to raise the visibility of scientists with disabilities and awareness of barriers they face.
Hilda Geiringer

Hilda Geiringer Lecture Series

The Lecture Series is held by the IRTG 1792 to honour the mathematical and statistical contributions of Hilda Geiringer.
Decorative photo of two professionals having a conversation

Women in Science Network Conference

This conference was organised in part by the RTG 1772.
Hybrid Interfaces

Hybrid Interfaces

Once per funding period, the CRC 951 hosts a scientifically-oriented Gender Equality Workshop for its members and HU students.
Action Potential Series developed by NeuroCure, EXC 2049

The “Action Potentials” Series

This series, developed by the EXC NeuroCure, aims to empower neuroscientists with easy-to-implement tools.
Screenshot of CRC 1315's equal opportunities page

Promoting Equal Opportunites on Your Research Alliance’s Website

Your research alliance's website is an excellent place to promote equal opportunities.
Photo of 2021 NeuroCure Postdoc Fellows

NeuroCure Research Fellowships – For Female Postdocs in the Neurosciences

This fellowship offered by NeuroCure supports early-career female researchers.
Photo of group of female pupils visiting the TEM lab in CRC 951

Schülerinnen on Tour

This programme is co-organised by the CRC 951 and gives female pupils a tour of a variety of labs in Berlin-Adlershof.
Photo of Brenda Milner

Brenda Milner Award

This award is organised and funded by the CRC 1315 and recognises an outstanding female scientist from their network.
Photo of programme participant Celine Kayser

Internships for Female Pupils

The CRC 951 organises multi-day internships for pupils with an interest in the sciences, targeting female pupils in particular.


Established by the CRC 951 and Club Lise Mentoring, the Day for Female Researchers is a full-day event for female pupils.

Women in Ancient Philosophy

The initiative Women in Ancient Philosophy, based in the RTG 1939, hosts workshops and guest lectures for female researchers.
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