Making (In)Visibilities Visible
Join this workshop "Making (in)visibilities visible: Blank space for criticism of racism and anti-discrimination at universities"!

DFG Info Event on Family & Budget for Speakers
This event will focus on family time, budget for speakers and family allowance.

Gender Lunch Talks
The Gender Lunch Talks presented by the Margherita von Brentano Center are planned as hybrid events this semester.

Empowerment for Doctoral Researchers with Care Responsibilities
The workshop is intended to give doctoral researchers with care responsibilities a space to discuss.

DFG Chancengleichheit Info Events
This event will focus on the expansion to include diversity and information on the changes to the lump sum for equal opportunities measures.

CEWS Colloquium
Join this upcoming colloquium "Gender-based Violence: Grundlagenforschung für Organisationsbefragungen".

DiGENet Lunch Talk
Register for this lunch talk hosted by the Diversity and Gender Equality Network by 20 November!

Conference: Diversity at Universities
This conference titled "Surveys on Diversity at Universities. Challenges and Solutions for Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Work" will take place at Goethe University Frankfurt.

Metis Lecture: Old Barriers or New Changes?
This year's METIS Lecture will be held by Anna Ransiek!

Future WINS
Join this interdisciplinary conference on cross-sections and interfaces in science, careers, and communication. Register by 6 November!

IFiF-Impulse Talk on Visability in Social Media
This lecture is part of the online lecture series IFiF-Impulse, in which scientists from different disciplines shed light on the visibility of innovative women.

Charité Programme: AdvanceAcademia
Join the "AdvanceAcademia! Strengthening Academic Careers", Berlin University Alliance's first diversity-sensitive programme to promote structured collaboration!

ProFil Programme: Open for Applications
The successful ProFiL Programme for female researchers pursuing a professorship has released its 18th call for applications!

WINS: Career Planning Inside and Outside Academia
Are you uncertain about whether to pursue an academic path? This workshop is designed to help you navigate your decision-making.

Science Week 2024
Join these inspiring events during this year's Science Week!

Colloquium: Gender/Sex | Body | Diversity
Join the colloquium "Gender/Sex | Body | Diversity. New Perspectives for Biology, Medicine and Psychology"!

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt2 (GER)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Berlin Diversithon 2024
The Berlin Diversithon is a Wikipedia edit-a-thon to improve the visibility of women and other groups underrepresented in the life sciences as part of Berlin Science Week.

Lydia-Rabinowitsch-Fund at Charité
If you are a female postdoctoral researcher with a fixed-term employment contract at Charité who has interrupted their academic career for family and/or social reasons be sure to apply!

Registration for Colloquium “Gender/Sex | Body | Diversity”
Register for the colloquium "Gender/Sex | Body | Diversity. New Perspectives for Biology, Medicine and Psychology" by 28 October 2024!

Exploring Career Options in the German Research and Innovation System
Find out which career option you want to pursue for your next step and get ready for the working world 4.0!

Postdocs: Building Leadership Skills for Academia
Leadership skills are vital for postdocs who are or will be in charge of leading research groups and projects in the future. Be part of this workshop and improve your skill set!

Gender Based Violence in Higher Education and Research
In her presentation, Dr Anke Lipinsky will present key findings from the UniSAFE research, including conceptual novelties.

Online Workshop Series: Writing a PhD in Science
The talk "Publishing in Nature Portfolio journals" is intended to cover the essential aspects of scientific writing and publishing.

Conflict Management: Constructively Managing Conflicts in Science
This workshop challenges popular views of conflict and presents a positive understanding of conflictive processes.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt2 (ENG)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Pilot Study and Panel Discussion: “Care and (Un)Fair?”
The findings of the pilot study ‘Discrimination-critical funding & calls for applications’ will be presented at this event, followed by a panel discussion.

Full Course: Diversity-Competent Leadership (GER)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Call for Posters
Seize the opportunity and meet other researchers, discover exciting opportunities for cooperation and win a prize: 500 EUR will be awarded for the best poster!

Workshop on Diversity Work in Appointment Procedures
In this workshop, Dr Daniela Heitzmann will provide an insight into how appointment procedures can be designed in a diversity-friendly way.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (GER)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Career prospects: Professorship at University of Applied Sciences
This cooperative event wants to familiarise qualified young female academics with the profession of university lecturer.

Diversity Competence Overall Course (ENG)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Future Talks: Transitioning from Academia to Industry
Career paths after the doctorate can go in many different directions. Learn more about it by attending one of the monthly meetings organised by Campus Club Adlershof!

Remaining Funds and Final Scholarships: 2024 and 2025
Apply for funding from the HU Family Fund until 02 October!

DFG Online Event: Relevance of Sex, Gender and Diversity in Research
This event centers around the improvement of research quality by taking sex, gender and/or other dimensions into consideration.

Racism in the Work Context
Based on a structural understanding of racism, in this workshop we will examine how racism can occur in everyday university life.

Parental Leave and Careers in Research: Legal Foundations and Challenges
This online seminar gives an overview of topics surrounding parental leave for researchers.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (GER)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Full Course: Diversity-Competent Leadership (GER)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Full Course: Diversity-Competent Leadership (GER)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

bukof Annual Conference
This year's bukof annual conference topic will be "Countering anti-feminism - strengthening science and democracy". Registration is now possible!

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (ENG)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Gender-Sensitive Language
This online workshop is designed to convey an overview of common language practice using numerous practical examples.

Women+ in Data / AI Festival 2024
This festival can be attended by anyone regardless of gender, identity, or technical background. Learn more about it here.

Basic Course: Recognising and Eliminating Discrimination
This course offers an introduction to the topic of discrimination in order to jointly open up the view for a discrimination-critical action competence.

Sex & Gender in the Life Sciences
The aim of this online lecture series is to show perspectives on how research in the life sciences can utilise the analytical potential of the gender dimension and open up new directions.

Conference Registration: Diversity at Universities
For this conference titled "Surveys on Diversity at Universities. Challenges and Solutions for Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Work" registrations are now open!

Sex & Gender in the Life Sciences
The aim of this online lecture series is to show perspectives on how research in the life sciences can utilise the analytical potential of the gender dimension and open up new directions.

DFG Info Event on Family & Budget for Speakers
This event will focus on family time, budget for speakers and family allowance.

Conference: Queer Contemporary Histories
This conference will take place at Freie Universität Berlin and the keynote will be held by Prof Dr Tiffany N. Forvil.

WINS: Mental Health 101 in Academia Part 2
This workshop consists of two parts. It is recommended to take part in both workshops, but they can be booked individually if necessary.

Training: “Frauenpower 2.0”
This training uses theater-based exercises, coaching approaches, humour and playful learning, to empower participants to step out of their comfort zones.

Junior Female Researchers in Probability
The goal of this workshop is to offer junior female researchers in stochastics a platform to talk about their own research work.

Family Day 2024
Spend a relaxing day together with your children and the families of your colleagues and fellow students at the beautiful Zeuthener See lake in south-east Berlin.

International Networking Event for Postdocs
This event is designed to provide early career researchers with a platform to learn, connect, and explore career development opportunities through global networking. Register now!

Gender Lunch Talks
The Gender Lunch Talks are planned as hybrid events this semester.

Mentoring Programme for Scientists
Apply for the Charité mentoring programme for female scientists and academics by 15 July!

Basic Course: Recognising and Eliminating Discrimination
This course offers an introduction to the topic of discrimination in order to jointly open up the view for a discrimination-critical action competence.

Discrimination in the Work Context
Based on a structural understanding of discrimination, this course looks at how discrimination can occur in everyday university life.

Informatica Feminale
The programme for this year's informatica feminale is online!

Full Course: Diversity-Competent Leadership (GER)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

DFG Equal Opportunity Measures Info Event
This event will focus on the lump sums for equal opportunity measures.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (GER)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt2 (GER)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

German Job market: Workshop for International Postdocs
This workshop targets postdoctoral researchers with an international background, guiding them through the complexities of entering the non-academic German job market.

Presenting Convincingly in the Appointment Process
Join this two-day workshop for women who are interested in a HAW-professorship. Registration deadline is 10 June!

Gender Lunch Talks
The Gender Lunch Talks are planned as hybrid events this semester. The next event will be on 11 July!

Empirical Public Economics: Gender Economics
This jointly organised workshop will be focusing on gender economics. Authors at all stages of their careers are invited to submit research papers.

Diversity Competence Overall Course (ENG)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

WINS Workshop: Improving Collaboration
This workshop's title is "From competition to co-creation. How to improve collaboration in science". Be sure to register by 12 June!

Long Night of the Sciences
We have put together our suggestions for Events and hope you have an inspiring and insightful Long Night of the Sciences 2024!

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (ENG)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt2 (ENG)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (GER)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Full Course: Diversity-Competent Leadership (GER)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Gender and Diversity Lunch Talk
The first Gender & Diversity Lunch Talk Series will be held online.

WINS: Mental Health 101 in Academia
This workshop consists of two parts. It is recommended to take part in both workshops, but they can be booked individually if necessary.

Deciding Between Academic and Non Academic Choices
This workshop discusses the questions many doctoral graduates are faced with of whether they want to stay in academia or pursue a career outside academia.

Job Applications: HR Manager’s Perspective
Join this virtual meeting with Bessie Fischer-Bohn (WISTA) to get practical tips on the application process in general.

Diversity Competence Overall Course (ENG)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (ENG)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Call for Applications 2024: Caroline von Humboldt Award and Professorship
The deadline for the Caroline von Humboldt Award has been extended until 28 May 2024!

BIH Diversithon
Create and edit Wikipedia articles together with experienced members of the WomenEdit Group Berlin to make Wikipedia more diverse! No experience necessary.

LGBTQ+ STEM Berlin Meets Accenture
Join Us LGBTQ+ STEM Berlin a Special Edition of LGBTQ+ STEMTisch!

Marthe Vogt Award 2024
FVB presents the Marthe Vogt Award to a young female scientist who has written an outstanding PhD within a scientific area covered by FVB in the region of Berlin and Brandenburg.

WINS-Mentoring: Success in Tandem
The participants of the WINS programme are accompanied by an experienced mentor for one year.

WINS-Mentoring: Info Event
This year's applications are open for the WiNS Mentoring Programme, which connects female PhD students and postdocs with successful scientists in their field.

Annual Conference and Members’ Meeting
Under the title "Care in or caring universities", the 2024 annual conference of Familie in der Hochschule e.V. will focus on the future of compatibility-oriented working and study conditions.

DRIVERS – Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation
This critical discussion group takes place every first Monday of each month.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (GER)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership Pt1 (ENG)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Diversity Competence Overall Course (ENG)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Charité: Alliance for Gender Equality
The Alliance for Gender Equality is the guest of this Rotunda Habilis featuring epresentatives from various decentralised equality initiatives at Charité.

WINS: Application Training
In this WINS-workshop you will learn how to professionally prepare for a job interview.

Full Course: Diversity-Competent Leadership (GER)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Feedback Resilience Workshop
Learn to navigate receiving and giving feedback in academia effectively and confidently and gain back your wellbeing.

DFG Chancengleichheit Info Events
This event will focus on the expansion to include diversity and information on the changes to the lump sum for equal opportunities measures.

Gender in Medicine Spring School
The Spring School comes from the effort to better understand heterogeneity by systematically closing the data gaps in the research with better theory, methods, and data analytic approaches.

BIH Alumni Seminar: Decolonizing Global Health
This Summer School is dedicated to the exploration of the debate on decolonizing global health and visions of decolonial transformation.

Creating Accessible Documents
The aim of the course is to create accessible documents and forms in PDF format using Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word & Adobe Acrobat Pro software.

Women’s Assembly: No Room for Sexual Assault
This year’s topic will be: No room for assault, sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence at the university!

BMBF Panel International Women’s Day
To mark International Women's Day the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and Wissenschaft im Dialog are hosting a debate on freedom and gender equality in science.

WINS: Body, Voice and Speech Training
When presenting, it is hardly ever the content that counts. Find out how to bring your content across in a convincing manner!

Gender-Sensitive Language
This online workshop is designed to convey an overview of common language practice using numerous practical examples.

Call for Speakers: Soapbox Science
Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform for public learning and scientific debate. Apply to become a speaker at the next event!

Equal Care Day
The pandemic and its consequences make it more obvious than ever how systemically relevant care work is.

Meccanica Feminale Spring School 2024
This spring university helps female engineering students and researchers gain additional qualifications in the field.

WINS: Doing a Doctorate with a Child
This virtual networking meeting with Alice Bobée and Anne Vogt focusses on doing a doctorate with a child.

Diversity Creates Science – Science Creates Diversity: What’s next?
This panel discussion concludes the FU lecture series "Diversity creates science - science creates diversity. Social challenges from the perspective of gender and diversity research in STEM".

WINS: Financial Safety In Uncertain Times
In this remote workshop you are given the opportunity to learn mental techniques for inner stability amongst other approaches.

STEM Passion at BIH
This event will offer plenty of opportunity to network, to get support to improve your public presentation on social media and in the numerous databases for women scientists.

Public Lecture: Mathematics For Many
This event is part of the FU lecture series "Diversity creates science - science creates diversity. Social challenges from the perspective of gender and diversity research in STEM".

Gender- and Difference-Reflective Didactics of Computer Science
This event is part of the FU lecture series "Diversity creates science - science creates diversity. Social challenges from the perspective of gender and diversity research in STEM".

Full Course: Diversity-Competent Leadership (GER)
This workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Online: Diversity Competence Leadership (GER)
This online workshop is part of the diversity training for HU staff and offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.

Gender-Sensitive Language & Prevention of Sexual Violence
These two seperate workshops will be provided by the Gender Equality Office at Alice Salomon Hochschule.

Public Lecture: Does Gender Still Matter?
This event is part of the FU lecture series "Diversity creates science - science creates diversity. Social challenges from the perspective of gender and diversity research in STEM".

Anti-Discriminatory Language in Academia
This seminar focusses on application and encourages participants to actively participate.

Diversity Competency in Leadership
This workshop offers an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff and is available on various dates.

WiNS: Experiences with a Success Team during the Doctorate
Join this virtual networking meeting with Maria Glaser on how a success team might help you to get through your PhD.

FUTURA: Training for Gender Competence in the Workplace
This two year continuing education programme imparts knowledge and skills for gender equality work in academia.

DFG Online Event: Relevance of Sex, Gender and Diversity in Research
This event centers around the improvement of research quality by taking sex, gender and/or other dimensions into consideration.

Underpaid or Uberpaid: Call for Papers for Critical Sociology
Ths call for papers for the Journal Symposium of Critical Sociology aims to explore the working conditions of care and domestic workers in the platform economy.

How Publishers Can Make Research More Inclusive
In this talk Magdalena Skipper will explain why science can only be done for all if it is also done by all.

WINS Alumnae Meeting
Please join for this get-together and meet other WINS Alumnae at this event.

Online Circle on Fatherhood and Science
For additional info please check the event webpage after the summer break.

Female Researchers on the Path to Professorship
In this online seminar advisors will provide first practical hints for the most important qualifications for a professorship based on their own experiences.

Soapbox Science and LGBTQ+ STEM Berlin at Science Week
Soapbox Science Berlin and LGBTQ+ STEM Berlin teamed up for two events for Berlin Science Week!

Professional Communication
This WiNS workshop helps participants develop their communication skills in order to better convey their skills and qualifications.

Job and Career Opportunities for People with Disabilities
Join this online career event if you are curious about the world of research and science and if you are wondering about career opportunities.

DFG Online Event: Family-Related Absences
This DFG online event will give information on family-related absences.

DFG: Standard Allowance for Gender Equality Measures
This event will give information on how to apply for the module “Standard Allowance for Gender Equality Measures”.

Public Lecture: Diversity Discourse in STEM
This event is part of the FU lecture series "Diversity creates science - science creates diversity. Social challenges from the perspective of gender and diversity research in STEM".

Berlin Diversithon
The Berlin Diversithon is a Wikipedia edit-a-thon to improve the visibility of women and other groups underrepresented in the life sciences as part of Berlin Science Week.

Virtual Work and Member Meeting
Please join this work and member meeting online.

Diversity and Racism in the University Context
This call for papers for the special issue by ZDfm focuses on diversity and racism in the university context with the title "shiny facades and broken promises".

WiNS: Time and Self-Management for Scientists
This two-day remote workshop will be divided into two main parts: self-management and time and team-management in a project.

Parental Leave and Careers in Research: Legal Foundations and Challenges
This online seminar gives an overview of topics surrounding parental leave for researchers.

Caroline von Humboldt Professorship and Prize Ceremony
This event will celebrate the recipients of the Caroline von Humboldt Professorship and the Caroline von Humboldt Prize.

“Diversity Turn” in German Research Policy
This roundtable will provide a platform for a nuanced discussion on the challenges and opportunities presented by the "diversity turn".

Curiosity Meets Know-How
The event will focus on the exchange between researchers who have successfully obtained funding under Horizon Europe and researchers who are interested in applying.

Call for Bids: Hosting European Feminist Research Conference
Every three years, ATGENDER organises together with a partner institution the big European Feminist Research Conference.

Survey: Reducing Discrimination in Funding & Calls for Proposals
This survey is available until Saturday, 30 September 2023.

Female Science Talents Workshops: #iwanttolead
Discover your potential to inspire people with your personality and research.

Getting Back on Board
Three-day-workshop for students who want to find their way back into everyday life at university after a mental or physical illness and a long break.

WiNS: Discover the Power of Authentic Leadership
This webinar will lead you through leadership theory, personal experience and practical strategies for authentic leadership.

Summer School: Disability, Participation and Activism
This in-person event will offer three modules focusing on disability history; arts, media and museums; politics, activism and activist networks.

Diversity and Equal Opportunity Conference
The Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung is organising an interdisciplinary conference.

AiS/BCGE-Training: Digital Repression Across Borders
This online workshop will help participants assess potential threats to their personal and information security and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.

Gender-Fair Language
This seminar will show you how to communicate clearly, understandably and without discrimination.

Online Circle on Family-Friendly Universities and Audits
For additional info please check the event webpage after the summer break.

efas Annual Conference Call for Proposals for Contributions
Proposals for contributions within the topics on feminist analyses and future perspectives in distributional and gender justice in the health care system.

Calls for Applications of the Commission for the Advancement of Women of the HU
These calls for applications aim at supporting women of HU and the deadlines vary between Friday, 15 September and Saturday, 30 September 2023.

efas Junior Researcher Prize
The efas network invites you to submit outstanding scientific theses of female students and graduates for the year 2023.

Clinical Fellows 2023 at Charité
Applications for the Clinical Fellows funding by Stiftung Charité are possible until 1 August 2023.

Black In Neuro Week 2023
The network Black In Neuro invites you to join their week of free webinars.

Banishing Manferences and Manels
This article explores the phenomena of male-dominated conferences and panel discussions.

Increasing Inclusion in Research
These interviews explore what it takes to build a more diverse research team, with concrete examples that can be implemented anywhere.

Parenting in the Pandemic
This webcast features stories from researchers with children during last spring's lockdown.

7th “MINT” Network Meeting: STEM Women for Climate Protection
Join the 7th "MINT" Network Meeting at Steinbeis Europa Center for Women in STEM supporting climate protection.

Mentoring Programme at Charité
Applications are open for the Charité mentoring programme for female scientists and academics.

Diversity in Economics: Perspectives from Science and Practice
This panel discussion is part of the pilot project "Equal Opportunity Intersectional" at the Faculty of Economics of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Lunch Talk Special: In Conversation Against Racism
This current event series is intended to bring experts together and to sensitise further to the topic.

“Break the Silence” – and then?
This panel discussion is part of the Action Week Against Sexual Discrimination and Violence.

Call for Papers: Classism in University and Society
The deadline for this Call for Papers ends at Friday, 7 July 2023.

Accessible Communication with People with Disabilities
This is a participatory workshop regarding accessible communication.

Summer School: Disability, Participation and Activism
The aim of this summer school is to develop an understanding of structural and institutionalized nature of marginalization of disabled people.

“Mutausbruch”: Confidence Against Sexual Harassment
These workshops are part of the Action Week Against Sexual Discrimination and Violence.

Pride at MDC: From Awareness to Action
This is the second edition of the LGBTQ+ symposium at the MDC.

Presentation of Toolbox for Operationalizing Gender Diversity in Quantitative Health Research
This conference will present the application-oriented toolbox by the interdisciplinary research project DIVERGesTOOL.

Action Day Against Sexualized Violence
This event is part of the Action Week Against Sexual Discrimination and Violence.

In Conversation Against Racism
This current event series is intended to bring experts together and to sensitise further to the topic.

Career Perspective: Female Professor at Universities for Applied Sciences
This event will give valuable insights and answers crucial questions regarding becoming a professor at universities for applied sciences.

LGBTQ+ STEM Berlin meets HZB
This event offers a guided tour followed by a barbecue for chatting and networking.

“Break the Silence” – and then?
This panel discussion is part of the Action Week Against Sexual Discrimination and Violence.

Soapbox Science 2023
Soapbox Science will take place this year at Potsdamer Platz (Süd) at 3 p.m.!

Quick-Wittedness and Repartee for Women in the Workplace
The goal of this practical seminar is to train simple yet effective repartee techniques for different contexts.

DFG Online Event: Allowance for Gender Equality Measures
This event will give information on how to apply for the module “Standard Allowance for Gender Equality Measures”.

Registration for Informatica Feminale Baden-Württemberg 2023
This international summer university for women in computing is open to female students and professionals.

The Art of Confident Appearance for Female Scientists
This practical training is designed for junior researchers who want to develop more confidence in their daily communication.

WINS: Experiences with a Success Team during the Doctorate
Join this virtual networking meeting to learn more about the of a benefits success team.

Call for Applications: Equal Opportunities Fund
Female researchers are encouraged to apply for an International Research Award for this summer semester.

DFG Online Event: Family-Related Absences
This DFG online event will give information on family-related absences.

Mind the Gap: Gender Parity at Universities in Germany
This panel discussion will focus on the question of what needs to happen further at German universities to make gender parity possible.

Frameworks and Networks: WiNS Summer School
The WiNS summer school will bring together female scientists at various career levels working in physics, chemistry, nano- and materials sciences.

ProFiL Programme: Now Accepting Applications
The successful ProFiL Programme for female researchers pursuing a professorship has released issued a call for applications.

Online Circle: Global Call for Action for Mothers in Science
In this Online Circle, Isabel Torres from the organization Mothers in Science will present and discuss the action plan.

DFG Online Event: Relevance of Sex, Gender and Diversity in Research
This event centers around the improvement of research quality by taking sex, gender and/or other dimensions into consideration.

WiNS: Understanding Your Core Values and Purpose
This event is aimed at female PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, who want to explore their values and purpose through hands-on activities.

Application training for scientists: CV and cover letter
In this seminar participants will perform practical exercises and receive feedback in small group discussions.

Motherhood and Academia: Reading and Discussion
This reading and discussion will explore the tensions involved in having children and working in academia.

Call for Papers for Conference at FU Berlin: Practicing Intersectionality in Research, Activism and Politics
Scholars, activists and students are invited to submit their proposals for the conference taking place in November 2023.

STEM GIrls: GI-Mentoring
This workshop is part of the mentoring program of GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.).

WiNS: Understanding Your Core Values and Purpose
This event is aimed at female PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, who want to explore their values and purpose through hands-on activities.

Gender Equality in Higher Education: Family Friendliness and Protection Against Discrimination
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of family friendliness in the workplace.

Travelling Exhibition: Berlin – Capital of Female Researchers
The travelling exhibition "Hauptstadt der Wissenschaftlerinnen" presents influential female researchers and scientists in Berlin.

A Critical Look at Mentoring as a Measure to Promote Women in IT
This event discusses how the percentage of women in Germany's IT companies can be sustainably increased while taking a critical look at mentoring as a measure.

ISINA 2023: Interdisciplinary Symposium for Women in STEM
This conference promotes scientific exchange among women in STEM.

AtGender ECR Event: Feminist and Queer Methodologies
The ways of questioning methodologies specifically for Early Career Researchers will be discussed in this event.

Online Training: Diversity, Inclusive Communication and Cooperation
The seminar explains how to approach diversity in multicultural and multilingual interactions.

ABC of Applications for Horizon Europe
This Event will provide useful information for potential female applicants in all areas of Horizon Europe.

Career Paths and Application for a Professorship in Germany
This seminar addresses early career researchers who are considering a career as a professor at a German university.

Online Circle on the Topic “Corona Gap”
This online circle asks your specific needs and goals to collect ideas for concrete measures.

Academic and Cross-Sectoral Careers for more Diversity in Leadership
The programme offers workshops, interventions, such as sponsorship and targeted recruitment across sectors.

Parental Leave and Careers in Research: Legal Foundations and Challenges
This online seminar gives an overview of topics surrounding parental leave for researchers.

Sex and Gender in Energy Research
This workshop gives an overview about gender aspects in Horizon Europe and informs about EU projects on energy research.

Consulting on Sustainability
This networking event offers first-hand information and experience on the transition from academia to the private sector.

Conference on Nature-Society Relations and the Global Environmental Crisis
International Conference of the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (ZtG) at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Call for Applications 2023: Caroline von Humboldt Award and Professorship
The distinguished professorship is awarded every year to a female professor at HU. The Caroline von Humboldt Award was granted for the first time in 2010.

Else Kröner Grant for Re-entry into Research for Medical Doctors after Family-Pause Phase
For medical doctors who have utilized a longer period of time for their families the return is often extremely difficult.

Taboo: Mother. Ambivalence, (In-)Visibility, Dissociation
This online-circle investigates possible reservations against "coming out" as a mother in research and science.

Women’s Assembly: Does Digitalisation Have a Gender?
This year's event will be in hybrid form and poses the question whether digitalisation has a gender.

Equal Care Day Conference
You can participate at this year's conference online in the virtual Care Landscape, or meet in person at Bonn or Graz.

Unconscious Bias in Working Life
This workshop provides unconscious bias training.

Lecture Series: Diversity and Excellence – A Tense Relationship?!
This lecture series addresses the tensions present in diversity measures at institutions of higher education.

Data is Not Neutral: Gender and Generalizability in Research Methodology
This year's METIS Lecture will be held by Professors Kathryn Clancy and Jenny Davis.

Gender Equality in Higher Education: Legal Foundations and Hiring Processes
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of equality in hiring procedures in higher education.

Sex and Gender in Biomedical Research: Concepts and Examples
In this talk, Sabine Oertelt-Prigione will guide researchers through the important questions to ask when setting up biomedical research.

Equal Opportunities in the DFG Funding Procedures
This event provides information on DFG equal opportunities measures.

Negotiating Successfully
This workshop provides participants with strategies for negotiation.

Online Circle Motherhood and Research: Retirement Planning
This event addresses the topic of retirement planning for women in academia.

Working at BESSY II: Lab Tour and Career Talk
This WiNS lab tour will take place at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.

WINS Mentoring Programme
Applications are open for the WiNS Mentoring Programme, which connects female PhD students and postdocs with successful scientists in their field.

Publishing and the Pandemic
This panel discussion will address the effect of care work on academic careers.

Meccanica Feminale Baden-Württemberg
This spring university helps female engineering students and researchers gain additional qualifications in the field.

Fit for Third-Party Funding
This WiNS workshop introduces participants to the most important aspects of applying for third-party funding.

Soapbox Science: Calling All Women* Scientists!
Submissions are open for this unique event, in which women* scientists present their work to the public.

Female Researchers on the Path to Professorship
In this online seminar advisors will provide first practical hints for the most important qualifications for a professorship based on their own experiences.

Remembering Prof. Dr. Beate Meffert
Prof. Dr. Beate Meffert was Senior Professor in the Department of Computer Science and a driving force behind gender equality at Humboldt-Universtät zu Berlin.

Family and Research in Times of Corona
These resources provide information for HU researchers and students with families.

Gender Equality and Academic Work in Times of Corona
These resources provide support for women in academia and guidance for those who wish to promote gender equality in times of Corona.

Humboldt Chancengleich
This yearly publication put out by the Office of the Central Women's Representative at HU Berlin looks at various topics surrounding equal opportunities.

Gender Differences in Describing Research
This study examines the tendency of female researchers to present their research less positively than male researchers.

Removing Clichés from Study and Career Choices
This collection of articles and interviews addresses the benefits of removing gender stereotypes from study and career choices.

Interview Series: Women in STEM
This series of text and video interviews asks female researchers and students about their experiences in STEM.

How Long Until Women are Equally Represented in STEMM?
This study models the rate of increase in gender parity in STEMM subjects.

Self-Stereotyping and Career Decisions
This article addresses the role of self-stereotyping in gender imbalances and gives tips on how to combat it.

The HU Guide to Gender-Fair Language
This brochure provides practical suggestions for how to use more inclusive language.

Women in Leadership Positions
This study reports statistics surrounding the number of women in leadership positions at institutions of higher education.

The Gender Pay Gap Among Professors
This article discusses a recent study on the gender pay gap among professors in Nord-Rhein Westphalia.

Opinion: Do Women Receive Too Much Support?
This opinion piece explores the question of whether women receive too much extra support in STEM fields.

Report on Personnel at German Academic Institutions
This report from the German Federal Statistical Office includes statistics on the number of women employed in academia.

She Figures 2018
This report released by the European Commission provides detailed data on the status of gender equality in Research and Innovation.

Women* and the Humanities
This article from Zeitgeschichte Online addresses the problems that face women* in academia and provides links to interviews with figures in the field.

Women and Science
This article on Spiegel Online addresses why more women don't go into science and what can be done about it.

Interview: the Hilda Geiringer Lecture
Wolfgang Härdle and Annette Vogt talk about the past and future of their lecture series.

Tuesday, 10 January 2023
Planning Courses with Gender and Diversity in Mind
This online workshop introduces participants to various topics surrounding gender and diversity in university teaching.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022
Empowerment for Trans*, Inter*, and Non-Binary People
This workshop will explore how trans*, inter*, and non-binary participants can develop and use their strengths.

Monday, 9 January 2023
Call for Lectures: Informatica Feminale Baden-Württemberg
This international summer school is seeking proposals for lectures, workshops, and courses on topics surrounding IT and ethics.

Wednesday, 7 December 2022
- Friday, 9 December 2022
Future WiNS: New Energies for a Sustainable World
This international science conference will feature numerous women speakers from across the natural sciences.

Friday, 2 December 2022
Acquisition of Third Party Funding
This WiNS workshop introduces participants to the most important aspects of applying for third-party funding.

Thursday, 1 December 2022
Fieldwork and Expedition Under Very Special Circumstances
This WiNS networking event will feature Anja Sommerfeld, project manager on the MOSAiC expedition to the arctic.

Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Building Queer-Inclusive Spaces
This workshop teaches participants how they can be more queer-inclusive in their everyday life.

Tuesday, 29 November 2022
Parental Leave and Careers in Research: Legal Foundations and Challenges
This online seminar gives an overview of topics surrounding parental leave for researchers.

Thursday, 24 November 2022
- Friday, 25 November 2022
Ending Gender-Based Violence in Academia
This conference addresses a number of issues related to gender-based violence in academia.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022
- Thursday, 24 November 2022
Week of Action Against Sexualised Violence
This event series includes a workshop, a panel discussion, and a theatre performance.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Caroline von Humboldt Professorship and Prize Award Ceremony
This event will celebrate the recipients of the Caroline von Humboldt Professorship and the Caroline von Humboldt Prize.

Thursday, 10 November 2022
- Friday, 11 November 2022
Finding Balance: Career and Personal Life
This online WiNS workshop will address the question of how researchers can reconcile their career and personal life.

Thursday, 10 November 2022
Black Feminism: An Introduction
This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to Black feminism and the chance to reflect on their own feminist practice.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Stress Management for Women*, Inter*, Trans*, and Nonbinary* People
This workshop provides participants with relaxation techniques and methods for stress management.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Child Benefits for International Students and Employees
This event provides information in English on state family benefits.

Friday, 4 November 2022
Discrimination in University Teaching
This advanced workshop will give participants more confidence in recognising and dealing with discrimination in university teaching.

Wednesday, 25 January 2023
- Tuesday, 1 November 2022
Diversity-Sensitive Teaching
This online seminar on diversity-sensitive teaching is aimed at instructors from all disciplines.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Female Researchers and the Path to Professorship
This online seminar informs participants about the essentials of qualification, application, and negotiation in the process of becoming a professor.

Monday, 17 October 2022
HU Family Fund
Applications are open for financial support from the HU for students and staff with family.

Thursday, 13 October 2022
Developing Today’s Leader
This WiNS workshop addresses the need for innovative and inclusive leadership.

Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Gender Equality in Higher Education: Family Friendliness and Protection Against Discrimination
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of family friendliness in the workplace.

Thursday, 6 October 2022
- Monday, 10 October 2022
Studying with Family: Questions and Answers
This meeting will provide information about topics surrounding studying with a family.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022
- Friday, 30 September 2022
Gender Equity Connected: Allyship in Intersectional Gender Equality Work
Bukof’s annual conference will focus on allyship as a way to develop intersectional gender equality policies.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Info Event: Caring for Family
This online informational event will address key topics related to balancing an academic career with care work.

Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Making Better Decisions: Unconscious Bias in Academic Recruitment
This workshop for Charité professors helps participants reflect on their biases and stereotypes.

Monday, 12 September 2022
- Tuesday, 13 September 2022
WAGES Workshop
This workshop will use a board game to help participants understand unconscious bias.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
- Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Summer University Women in Engineering: In Person
This summer university provides instruction in engineering and networking opportunities for female students and professionals.

Monday, 15 August 2022
efas Prize
This prize is awarded to bachelor's, master's, and doctoral theses written by female students on topics related to gender and economics.

Tuesday, 2 August 2022
- Saturday, 6 August 2022
Informatica Feminale Baden-Württemberg
This international summer university for women in computing is open to female students and professionals.

Monday, 25 July 2022
- Friday, 5 August 2022
Summer University Women in Engineering: Online
This summer university provides instruction in engineering and networking opportunities for female students and professionals.

Friday, 15 July 2022
Charité Mentoring Programme
Applications are open for the Charité mentoring programme for female scientists and academics.

Monday, 11 July 2022
- Thursday, 14 July 2022
Croatia Libori Summer School
This summer school focusses on women in the history of philosophy.

Sunday, 10 July 2022
Call for Lectures: Meccanica Feminale
This winter school for women in engineering is accepting proposals for lectures, seminars, and workshops on topics surrounding engineering.

Monday, 4 July 2022
Voice, Body, and Speech Training
This WiNS workshop helps participants with public speaking skills, including rhetoric, body training, and stage fright.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Gender Equality in Higher Education: Legal Foundations and Hiring Processes
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of equality in hiring procedures in higher education.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Research, Career, Family: Actively Take on Multiple Demands
This workshop helps participants find methods for stress management and a good balance between work and family life.

Thursday, 23 June 2022
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt
This WiNS webinar gives participants the tools for confronting self-doubt.

Saturday, 18 June 2022
Soapbox Science
This free event aims to increase the visibility of women* in science and give female* scientists the chance to present their work to the general public.

Saturday, 18 June 2022
HU Family Day
This event provides HU students and employees with the chance to relax at the lake with their families and colleagues.

Thursday, 16 June 2022
Talking Biography: Miriam Merad M.D. PhD
This online networking event is aimed at early- and intermediate-career women scientists.

Friday, 10 June 2022
- Monday, 13 June 2022
Energy For (Your) Future: WiNS Summer School
The WiNS summer school will bring together female scientists at various career levels working in physics, chemistry, nano- and materials sciences.

Tuesday, 7 June 2022
Rethinking Sex, Brain, and Gender Beyond the Binary
This talk by Daphna Joel addresses gender from the perspective of neuroscience.

Thursday, 11 May 2023
- Saturday, 11 November 2023
Connecting Scholars (Women and TIN): Interactive Lunch Series
This monthly lunch series aims to help women and TIN researchers improve their networking skills.

Thursday, 27 April 2023
- Thursday, 13 July 2023
Once a Month: Menstruation and Health in Higher Education
This event series addresses how academic work environments can better take into account the realities of the menstrual cycle.

Thursday, 8 December 2022
Data is Not Neutral: Gender and Generalizability in Research Methodology
This year's METIS Lecture will be held by Professors Kathryn Clancy and Jenny Davis.

Wednesday, 1 June 2022
- Thursday, 2 June 2022
After #MeToo: Sexism and Sexual Harassment in Academia
This conference addresses what has been done and what can still be done in connection with sexism and sexual harassment in academia.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022
- Tuesday, 31 May 2022
From Competition to Co-Creation: How to Improve Collaboration in Science
This WiNS workshop will provide methods for making collaboration easier.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022
- Friday, 20 May 2022
Women in Big Data: International Workshop
This conference aims to bring together women working in the social sciences and STEM for academic exchange and networking.

Monday, 16 May 2022
Motherhood and Academia: Reading and Discussion
This reading and discussion will explore the tensions involved in having children and working in academia.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Trans*, Inter*, Non-binary: Gender Diversity at the Charité
This event brings together various actors from politics and higher education to discuss gender diversity at the Charité.

Friday, 3 June 2022
Parental Leave and Careers in Research: Legal Foundations and Challenges
This online seminar gives an overview of topics surrounding parental leave for researchers.

Thursday, 28 April 2022
- Friday, 29 April 2022
Academic Working Culture in Germany
This workshop helps international PhD students navigate the academic system in Germany.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Female Researchers and the Path to Professorship
This online seminar informs participants about the essentials of qualification, application, and negotiation in the process of becoming a professor.

Thursday, 7 April 2022
Gender Diversity at Institutions of Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities
This lecture addresses the experiences of trans*, inter*, and non-binary* people in higher education.

Wednesday, 6 April 2022
- Thursday, 7 April 2022
Respect! Rhetoric and Self-Presentation for Women
This workshop aims to help participants become better public speakers.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022
- Wednesday, 6 April 2022
Annual Conference of the Committee of Women’s and Gender Studies Institutions in German-Speaking Areas
This annual conference addresses various topics related to gender equality in academia and gender studies.

Saturday, 5 March 2022
Gender Equality in Higher Education: Family Friendliness and Protection Against Discrimination
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of family friendliness in the workplace.

Friday, 1 April 2022
Making Better Decisions – Unconscious Bias in Academic Recruitment
This workshop for Charité students and employees helps participants reflect on their biases and stereotypes.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022
Networking- and Support Group for Women* PhD students and Postdocs at BIH
In this regular meeting, women* in science can get together to discuss their experiences in academia and beyond in a moderated setting.

Monday, 28 March 2022
Talking Biography: Prof. Dr. Maritta Perälä-Heape
This online networking event is aimed at early- and intermediate-career women scientists.

Thursday, 17 March 2022
Communicate to Persuade! Sovereignty Through Skillful Negotiation
This WiNS workshop helps participants develop their communication skills in order to better convey their skills and qualifications.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022
Precarious Work in Academia from an Intersectional Perspective: Gender, Race, Class, Disability
This talk addresses the precarious status of non-professorial teaching and research staff at German universities.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022
Avoiding Neurosexism in Neuroscience
This talk will address misconceptions regarding sex, gender, and the brain.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022
- Thursday, 10 March 2022
Breaking Barriers for Gender Equity Through Research
This conference shines a spotlight on women working in academia and will provide mentorship opportunities for participants.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022
Women’s Assembly: The Gender Pay Gap at HU Berlin
This panel discussion will address the gender pay gap at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and seek concrete solutions.

Thursday, 3 March 2022
Understanding Selection Committees for Professorships
This WiNS networking event provides information to help you plan your next steps on the way to a professorship.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022
Equal Care Day
This annual event highlights the unfair distribution of care work and how it affects women in particular.

Monday, 28 February 2022
Soapbox Science: Calling All Women* Scientists!
Submissions are open for this unique event, in which women* scientists present their work to the public.

Thursday, 24 February 2022
Lessons Learned in Female Leadership
In this WiNS event, Dr. Kathrin Goldammer will talk about her career path and leadership roles.

Tuesday, 22 February 2022
- Saturday, 26 February 2022
Meccanica Feminale
This winter school helps female engineering students and researchers gain additional qualifications in the field.

Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Info Event: Equal Opportunities in the DFG Funding Procedures
This event provides information on DFG equal opportunities measures.

Sunday, 13 February 2022
HU Equal Opportunities Fund
Female researchers are encouraged to apply for an International Research Award.

Friday, 11 February 2022
A Career Path as a Woman in Applied Quantum Optics
This WiNS lab tour will introduce participants to the life of a postdoc in physics.

Thursday, 10 February 2022
Gender Equality in Higher Education, Research and Innovation: From Institutional Policies to International Cooperation
This webinar addresses questions of gender equality in international scientific cooperation.

Tuesday, 8 February 2022
- Wednesday, 9 February 2022
Find Your Inner Compass: Life and Career Navigator
This WiNS workshop helps participants find orientation in their careers.

Friday, 4 February 2022
WiNS Mentoring Programme
Applications are open for the WiNS Mentoring Programme, which connects female PhD students and postdocs with successful scientists in their field.

Thursday, 27 January 2022
Gender Equality in Higher Education: Legal Foundations and Hiring Processes
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of equality in hiring procedures in higher education.

Monday, 17 January 2022
Gender-Fair Digital Teaching: How Gender Topics Can Be Integrated Into Digital STEM Teaching
This talk gives an introduction to the resource "Gendering STEM Digital".

Tuesday, 11 January 2022
Call for Lectures: Informatica Feminale Baden-Württemberg
This international summer school is seeking proposals for lectures, workshops, and courses on topics surrounding IT and sustainability.

Monday, 13 December 2021
Systematically Consider Gender Research in Technology Development
This talk addresses how gender research can lead to more fair technologies.

Monday, 13 December 2021
Lessons Learned in Academia: Gender Bias and Diversity
This WiNS event addresses discrimination and bias in academia as well as the speaker's own career path.

Monday, 6 December 2021
- Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Safety in Uncertain Times: A Roadmap to Internal and External Stability and Financial Safety
This online WiNS workshop helps participants find their inner compass and establish financial stability.

Friday, 3 December 2021
efas Symposium: The Gender Perspective on Economic Policy After Covid-19
This symposium will showcase research from the field of feminist economics.

Thursday, 2 December 2021
Gender and Diversity in AI
This lunchtime talk will provide an introduction into bias in AI.

Thursday, 2 December 2021
Hands Off My Bubble! Recognising and Setting Boundaries
This workshop helps participants recognise and set their own boundaries.

Wednesday, 1 December 2021
What Leibniz Has To Do with Binary (Sex/Gender) Categories in Neuroscience
This talk addresses mathematical logic in the methods of computational neurosciences.

Thursday, 25 November 2021
Care and Uni Work: Becoming a Guide
This training course prepares employees to become points of contact for questions surrounding caring for relatives.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Gender-Fair and Discrimination-Sensitive Language Use
This workshop provides a concrete introduction to fair language and addresses the role of language more widely.

Wednesday, 22 December 2021
The Corona Pandemic and University Employees with Children
This talk looks at the results of a study on the impact of the pandemic on the health of university employees with children.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Computer Says No: How Discrimination Can Creep Into AI
This year's METIS lecture will be held by Prof. Dr. Katharina Zweig, who will discuss bias and discrimination in AI.

Thursday, 11 November 2021
- Thursday, 17 February 2022
Gender in (Dis)Order?!: Binary Constructions of Gender in Research
This symposium explores queer conceptions of gender in various disciplines.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Stress Management for Women*, Inter*, Trans*, and Nonbinary* People
This workshop provides participants with relaxation techniques and methods for stress management.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Fit for Third-Party Funding: Opportunities and Programmes after the PhD
This online course provides information on applying for funding for postdocs.

Monday, 8 November 2021
Gender-Fair Pedagogy at Universities and Schools
This symposium addresses the role of trans, inter, and non-binary gender diversity in pedagogy.

Thursday, 4 November 2021
- Thursday, 17 February 2022
Intersectional Diversity Studies: Critical Diversity and Gender Studies in the 21st Century
This lecture series explores the question of what Critical Diversity Studies looks like in a postcolonial 21st century.

Thursday, 4 November 2021
- Thursday, 10 February 2022
Diversity, Racism and the Broken Promise of Inclusion in German Higher Education
This event series addresses the shortcomings of diversity policies at institutions of higher education in Germany.

Thursday, 4 November 2021
A Springboard to Building Personal Resiliency
This workshop provides participants with strategies for dealing with stressful situations.

Wednesday, 3 November 2021
- Wednesday, 8 December 2021
Women in Physics
In this event series, women working in physics at HU will discuss their research and career paths.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Shared Professorships: A Promising Model for Academic Careers
This talk and discussion will provide an introduction into the potential of shared professorships.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021
- Thursday, 27 January 2022
FEM POWER Fall Programme
Events include a lecture series on intersectionality and workshops inviting critical self-reflection.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Empowerment for F*L*I*T*N People with Disabilities and/or Chronic Illness
This workshop gives participants tools for empowerment on the individual level and in the context of higher education.

Friday, 29 October 2021
Equality Slam
This poetry slam explores (in)equality in academia and features women* slam poets and performers

Thursday, 28 October 2021
Care and Career: Tips for Achieving Balance
This talk will provide information on caring for a relative and achieving good work-life balance.

Thursday, 28 October 2021
Mobility Between Research and Scientific Management
In this WiNS virtual networking event, Dr. Catalina E. Jiménez will discuss her career at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.

Thursday, 21 October 2021
- Tuesday, 1 February 2022
Diversity and Fairness in Artificial Intelligence
This lecture series addresses various topics surrounding AI and discrimination.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Empowerment for Trans*, Inter*, and Non-Binary People: An Introductory Workshop
This workshop will explore how trans*, inter*, and non-binary participants can develop and use their strengths.

Monday, 11 October 2021
- Monday, 18 October 2021
Digital Family Week
This week of events features a variety of talks, networking opportunities, and workshops centred around family-friendliness at university.

Wednesday, 6 October 2021
- Thursday, 7 October 2021
Agile Project Management II: Time and Self Management for Scientists
This WiNS workshop addresses topics related to effective time and self management in science.

Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Sex & Gender as Biological Variables
This talk addresses the historic sex bias in neuroscience and biomedical research.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021
The Effect of the Pandemic on Career Prospects for Women in Academia
This talk addresses the pandemic, the personal situations of scientists, and the effect on female researchers' academic careers.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Gender Equality in Higher Education: Legal Foundations and Hiring Processes
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of equality in hiring procedures in higher education.

Monday, 27 September 2021
- Tuesday, 28 September 2021
The Non-Binary Treatment of Gender in Data: Possibilities, Challenges, Perspectives
This workshop addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by a non-binary collection of gender data.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Female Researchers and the Path to Professorship
This online seminar informs participants about the essentials of qualification, application, and negotiation in the process of becoming a professor.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Reading and Discussion: “Vom Arbeiterkind zur Professeur”
This book presentation discusses the role of social background in academic advancement.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021
Founding of Working Group “Feminist Perspectives in Medical and Bioethics”
This first meeting will explore the possibilities of feminist medical ethics in the German-speaking world.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021
- Friday, 17 September 2021
European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education
This conference addresses various themes surrounding gender sensitivity in academia.

Friday, 10 September 2021
- Sunday, 12 September 2021
Women in Natural Sciences and Technology
This year's conference focusses on the climate crisis and climate justice from a feminist perspective.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021
- Friday, 10 September 2021
Thinking Digitally About Diversity
This conferences looks at how diversity and digitalisation can influence, complement, and strengthen each other.

Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Unconscious Bias in Academia
This talk will provide an introduction to unconscious bias and discuss strategies for addressing it.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Gender Equality in Higher Education: Family Friendliness and Protection Against Discrimination
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of family friendliness in the workplace.

Wednesday, 1 September 2021
- Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Better Science – A Question of Equality!
This series of events centres on questions of scientific excellence and diversity.

Tuesday, 31 August 2021
efas Research Forum for Early-Career Researchers
Submissions are open for papers dealing with gender studies and economics.

Monday, 23 August 2021
- Tuesday, 24 August 2021
Giving Effective Presentations: Storytelling in Academia
This workshop helps participants hone their presentation skills using methods from rhetorics and drama.

Thursday, 19 August 2021
- Monday, 23 August 2021
Self-Management and Planning for the Future
This workshop will help female participants plan and implement their career goals.

Thursday, 12 August 2021
Dealing with Stage Fright and Test Anxiety
This workshop will teach participants relaxation techniques for overcoming stress.

Saturday, 31 July 2021
efas Prize for Early-Career Researchers
This prize is awarded to BA, MA and PhD theses written by female students on topics related to gender and economics.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021
- Saturday, 31 July 2021
Informatica Feminale
This International Summer University for Women in Computing is open to female students and professionals.

Friday, 23 July 2021
BIH Excellence Award for Sex and Gender Aspects in Health Research
This prize is provides research funding to projects investigating sex and gender in translational medicine.

Sunday, 18 July 2021
- Wednesday, 21 July 2021
Defining the Future – Rethinking the Past
This philosophy conference will address the pressing issues of our future and reassess the role of women philosophers.

Thursday, 15 July 2021
The Corona Crisis and Gender Gaps in Higher Education
This online talk addresses the inequalities that have resulted from the corona crisis.

Thursday, 1 July 2021
- Friday, 2 July 2021
Total Global? Strategies for Gender Fair Internationalisation in Academia
This barcamp examines the relationship between gender equality and internationalisation in academia.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Gender Equality in Higher Education: Legal Foundations and Hiring Processes
This online seminar focusses on the legal aspects of equality in hiring procedures in higher education.

Sunday, 27 June 2021
Equality Slam
Spoken word poets and performers are called on to submit to this poetry slam, which explores (in)equality in academia and is centred around the theme “Is everything so plain here?!”.

Saturday, 26 June 2021
Soapbox Science
This free event aims to increase the visibility of women* in science and give female* scientists the chance to present their work to the general public.

Thursday, 24 June 2021
- Friday, 25 June 2021
Queer AI: The Coming Out of Smarter Machines
This symposium addresses the relationship between queerness and AI, including the problems of exclusion and marginalisation associated with digital technologies.

Saturday, 24 July 2021
TIN Introduction Workshop
This workshop sensitises participants to the discrimination faced by trans*, inter*, and non-binary people.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Picture a Scientist: Women of Science
This online film screening and panel discussion addresses the topic of gender stereotypes in science.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Becoming a Professor: Requirements, Conditions, and Possibilities for Female Natural Scientists
This informational event will inform participants about becoming a professor at a university of applied sciences.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Same, but Different? The Role of Sex and Gender in Health Research
This workshop addresses sex, gender, and intersectional aspects in health research.

Sunday, 20 June 2021
Call for Courses: Meccanica Feminale
This winter school for women in engineering is accepting proposals for lectures, seminars, and workshops on topics surrounding engineering.

Thursday, 17 June 2021
- Thursday, 1 July 2021
Me Too in Science: Sexualised Violence in Academia and Paths to Prevention
This conference will address the legal aspects of sexualised discrimination and options for its prevention.

Thursday, 17 June 2021
Sex/Gender Studies in Biology: The Critical View of Sex/Gender In the Life Sciences
This talk addresses the role of biology in questions surrounding gender, sexuality and the sex/gender debate.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021
- Thursday, 10 June 2021
Leadership in Higher Education and Research in Times of Dynamic Global Change
This conference addresses questions surrounding female leadership and gender equality in times of change.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021
Female Researchers and the Path to Professorship
This online seminar informs participants about the essentials of qualification, application, and negotiation in the process of becoming a professor.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021
- Thursday, 10 June 2021
Career Day: Perspectives for Women in Life Sciences
This career day includes talks, workshops, round table discussions as well as a CV check and application photo shoot.

Monday, 7 June 2021
- Tuesday, 8 June 2021
Social Responsibility: Which Responsibilities Do Academic Institutions Have with Respect to Family Orientation?
This conference addresses the responsibilities of research institutions with regard to family friendliness.

Friday, 4 June 2021
- Saturday, 5 June 2021
Light, Matter, and Life: WiNS Summer School
The WiNS summer school will bring together female scientists at various levels working on light-matter interaction.

Friday, 4 June 2021
- Saturday, 5 June 2021
Safety in Uncertain Times: A Roadmap to Internal and External Stability
This online WiNS workshop helps participants find their inner compass and establish financial stability.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021
- Saturday, 5 June 2021
Reinventing Education
This conference is devoted to various questions surrounding the transformation of education systems, including an entire section on gender and education.

Thursday, 27 May 2021
- Friday, 28 May 2021
Women’s Careers and Networks
This symposium provides an interactive environment for young female scientists to learn from experienced researchers and find networking opportunities.

Thursday, 20 May 2021
Developing Today’s Leader
This WiNS workshop addresses the need for innovative and inclusive leadership.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Queerschluss: Sexual and Gender Diversity in Higher Education
This conference section includes talks and a workshop on topics surrounding queer diversity in university didactics.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Diversity Day
This day of action highlights the importance of diversity in the workplace.

Thursday, 6 May 2021
Parental Leave and Careers in Research: Legal Foundations and Challenges
This online seminar gives an overview of topics surrounding parental leave for researchers.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Closing Conference: STEM Correspondence Circle
This conference discusses findings from a mentorship programme meant to inspire young women to study STEM subjects.

Monday, 3 May 2021
- Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Critical Issues in Science, Technology, and Society Studies
This conference section addresses topics related to gender, science, and technology.

Monday, 3 May 2021
- Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Workshop for Women in Macroeconomics, Finance and Economic History
This conference offers an opportunity for exchange among female researchers in economics.

Monday, 3 May 2021
Fair Pay at Institutions of Higher Education in Berlin
This panel discussion addresses the pay gap among academic administrators.

Monday, 3 May 2021
Women* and Artificial Intelligence: Gender-Political Changes Through New Technologies
This conference addresses the discriminatory potential of AI.

Friday, 30 April 2021
HU Family Fund
Applications are open for financial support from the HU for students and staff with families.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Being a First Generation Doctoral Student: Challenges, Opportunities & Empowerment
This career talk addresses the unique opportunities and challenges faced by doctoral students that are the first in their families to attend university or pursue a PhD.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021
- Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Closing the Gap: Gender Awareness for Men in Academia
This workshop aims to help men become proactive about gender equality in academia.

Friday, 23 April 2021
Balancing Career and Family When Working From Home
This online seminar helps participants find a balance between work and family when working from home.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Gender-Fair Language: Still a Controversial Discussion?
This mid-day lecture addresses the debate surrounding gender-fair language.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Career Prospects: Becoming a Professor
This panel event provides information on becoming a professor at a university of applied sciences.

Friday, 16 April 2021
Women Power: Career Convention for Women
This hybrid convention will include a variety of events aimed at boosting the careers of women.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021
- Friday, 16 April 2021
Gender Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Post-Corona: Quo vadis?
This year's Gender Summit addresses gender equality in research in times of corona.

Thursday, 8 April 2021
- Monday, 12 April 2021
Studying with Family: Questions and Answers
This meeting is meant to inform participants about topics surrounding studying with a family.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
When You Picture a Scientist, Who Do You See?
This panel discussion addresses the advancement of diversity and inclusion in STEM.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021
- Thursday, 18 March 2021
Agile Project Management: How to Create Successful Projects and Productive Project Teams
This WiNS workshop provides an introduction into how to successfully manage teams.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Info Lunch: Networking
This informational event provides participants with information on how to effectively network.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Women’s Assembly: Corona and its Consequences for Women in Academia
This panel discussion will address how the amplification of traditional gender roles in the corona crisis affects women in academia.

Monday, 8 March 2021
Women in Data Science Worldwide Conference
This conference features an all-day, worldwide programme for anyone with an interest in data science.

Friday, 5 March 2021
Me Too in Science: Sexualised Violence in Academia and Paths to Prevention
Submissions are open for this conference on preventing sexualised discrimination and violence in academia.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021
- Friday, 5 March 2021
Fair Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: Chances, Challenges, Consequences
This conference addresses gender and other disparities in the context of health equity and AI.

Monday, 1 March 2021
Equal Care Day
This series of events is meant to draw attention to the imbalances in care work in our society.

Sunday, 28 February 2021
Soapbox Science: Calling All Women* Scientists!
Submissions are open for this unique event, in which female* scientists present their work to the public.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021
- Saturday, 27 February 2021
Meccanica Feminale
This "winter school" gives female engineering students and researchers a chance to gain additional qualifications in the field.

Thursday, 18 February 2021
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt
This WiNS webinar gives participants the tools for confronting self-doubt.

Monday, 8 February 2021
- Friday, 12 February 2021
Leaving Academia: Problem or Good Idea?
This lecture series addresses the high number of researchers who leave academia in the PhD and postdoc phase.

Thursday, 28 January 2021
Gender Lunch Talk: Gender and Diversity in the Natural Sciences
This talk explores the gender imbalance in the natural sciences from the perspective of studies on academic cultures.

Thursday, 11 February 2021
- Friday, 12 February 2021
ACT International Synergy Conference
This conference examines the Community of Practice approach to gender equality in research.

Thursday, 11 February 2021
A Career Path as a Woman in Land-Use and Sustainability Sciences
This WiNS webinar is being held on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science and is part of a regular series of lab tours.

Thursday, 11 February 2021
Film Screening: “Picture a Scientist”
This online film screening and panel discussion is a part of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Women in Leadership: FidAR Forum
This conference aims to promote international collaboration on advancing women in leadership positions.

Wednesday, 3 February 2021
Digitalisation and Gender Equality: New Opportunities and Old Problems?
This conference explores the consequences of digitalisation for gender equality.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020
- Tuesday, 26 January 2021
Lecture Series: Introducing Gender
This lecture series addresses gender and academic culture in relation to specific disciplines.

Thursday, 21 January 2021
Online Discussion: Europe’s Gender Equality Project – Big Plan or Bitter Disappointment?
This panel discussion explores various questions surrounding the EU Commission's gender equality goals.

Wednesday, 20 January 2021
- Thursday, 21 January 2021
Find Your Inner Compass: Life and Career Navigation
This WiNS workshop aims to help female PhD students and postdocs find orientation in their careers.

Monday, 9 November 2020
- Monday, 18 January 2021
Lecture Series: Discovering Gender and Diversity
This online lecture series addresses how diversity can lead to cultural change at institutions of higher education.

Monday, 11 January 2021
Call for Lectures: Informatica Feminale
This international summer school is seeking proposals for lectures, workshops, and courses on topics surrounding data science.

Sunday, 10 January 2021
WiNS Mentoring Programme
The WiNS Mentoring Programme connects female PhD students and postdocs with successful scientists in their field.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Digital Lunch Break: Gender and Diversity in Research
This midday event offers exchange and insight into gender as a research topic at HTW Berlin.

Monday, 14 December 2020
- Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Diversity Approaches to Teaching in STEM Subjects
This online course provides information on incorporating diversity aspects into teaching and is aimed at STEM instructors.

Thursday, 10 December 2020
Care and Career: Tips for Achieving Balance
This lecture will educate participants on the topic of caring for a relative and creating a work-life balance.

Thursday, 10 December 2020
Communicate to Persuade! Sovereignty Through Skillful Negotiation
This WiNS workshop helps participants develop their communication skills in order to better convey their skills and qualifications.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020
METIS Lecture: Gender Equity – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
In this online lecture, Professor Virginia Valian will speak on the imbalanced advancement of women compared with men.

Monday, 7 December 2020
Balancing Family with Studying Online
This online seminar addresses the challenges of balancing family life with online uni work.

Friday, 4 December 2020
efas Symposium: Gender Fair in the Pandemic?
This feminist economics symposium will discuss the implications of the pandemic for women.

Thursday, 3 December 2020
Care and Uni Work: Becoming a Guide
This training course prepares employees to become points of contact for questions surrounding caring for relatives.

Thursday, 26 November 2020
- Friday, 27 November 2020
International and Comparative Political Economy
This workshop addresses various topics in international economics, including gender.

Friday, 20 November 2020
- Saturday, 21 November 2020
Critical Gender and Diversity Knowledge: Challenges and Prospects
This online conference addresses questions of knowledge building in gender and diversity research.

Friday, 20 November 2020
Designing (Digital) Teaching with Gender and Diversity in Mind
This online workshop on gender and diversity in teaching is aimed at instructors from the humanities and social sciences.

Friday, 13 November 2020
- Sunday, 15 November 2020
Intelligence: Conference of the German Association of Female Engineers
This online conference for female engineers will explore the topic of intelligence from various perspectives.

Thursday, 12 November 2020
- Friday, 13 November 2020
Diversity 2020
This conference addresses the need for diversity in our current times of upheaval.

Thursday, 12 November 2020
Studying Social Phenomena with Digital Traces
This keynote talk takes place as a part of the workshop Women in Computational Sciences, which aims to connect female computer scientists and social scientists.

Monday, 2 November 2020
- Friday, 6 November 2020
Week of Family Friendliness
This online theme week showcases family friendly measures at companies and institutions of higher education.

Thursday, 5 November 2020
- Friday, 13 November 2020
Developing a Growth Mindset: How Our Thoughts Help Us to Succeed
This WiNS workshop uses ideas from positive psychology to introduce participants to the 'growth mindset'.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Equal Opportunities Fund
The Equal Opportunities Fund provides financing for positions that support the careers of women in academia.

Monday, 2 November 2020
- Monday, 9 November 2020
Diversity-Sensitive Teaching
This online seminar on diversity-sensitive teaching is aimed at instructors from all disciplines.

Monday, 2 November 2020
Info Cafe: Studying and Family
This meeting is meant to inform participants about topics surrounding studying with a family.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Film Screening: “An Insight – Women in Science”
This online film screening features a documentary about two groups of women pursuing careers in science.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Are Algorithms Fair? Discussion from the Gender Perspective
This panel discussion addresses the risks of bias in self-learning algorithms and explores possible solutions.

Thursday, 15 October 2020
Can I Become a Professor?
This workshop provides information on the German academic system and the path to professorship at universities of applied science.

Thursday, 15 October 2020
Empowerment Through Emotional Intelligence
This WiNS webinar provides strategies for managing emotions in a positive way.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020
- Thursday, 15 October 2020
Gender Roles and Their Impact in Academia
This online conference focuses on how gender roles affect women's careers.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Critical Whiteness: Sensitisation for Daily Life
This diversity workshop invites white people to reflect on racism and its role in their everyday behaviour.

Thursday, 8 October 2020
- Friday, 9 October 2020
GenderNetz Closing Conference: Networks, Career Paths, and Gender
This conference addresses the disproportionate ways in which careers in IT and engineering are affected by professional networks.

Thursday, 8 October 2020
Understanding Your Core Values and Purpose
This WiNS webinar will help participants gain greater self-awareness and clarity regarding their career journeys.

Monday, 15 June 2020
- Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Summer University Women in Engineering
This summer university provides instruction in engineering and networking opportunities to female students and professionals.

Monday, 15 June 2020
- Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Informatica Feminale
This International Summer University for Women in Computing is open to female students and professionals.

Thursday, 1 October 2020
Equal Care Day: Strategies and Projects
This one-day conference takes an action-oriented approach to tackling issues surrounding the Gender Care Gap.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020
- Tuesday, 6 October 2020
#MeToo in Academia: Symposium on Sexualised Violence and Discrimination
This week-long, online symposium aims to shed light on sexualised violence at institutions of higher education and empower participants.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020
- Wednesday, 30 September 2020
STEM Strategies 4.0: Closing Conference
This online conference addresses how equal opportunities offers in STEM can be better adjusted to their target group.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Thinking About Equal Opportunities in Higher Education
This panel discussion addresses how diversity goals can be uniformly implemented at Berlin's institutions of higher education.

Saturday, 19 September 2020
Soapbox Science
This free event aims to increase the visibility of women* in science and give female* scientists the chance to present their work to the general public.

Friday, 18 September 2020
Fixing IT for Women: Digitalisation for All
This conference presents the results of a three-year project on making the IT field more inclusive.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020
- Saturday, 19 September 2020
I, Scientist
This online conference addresses the obvious gender imbalance in STEM fields.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020
The Corona Crisis and Gender Equality
Bukof's annual conference will address the effects of the Corona pandemic on gender equality in academia and elsewhere.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Gender-Fair in the Pandemic
Submissions are open for this feminist economics conference on the topic of women and the pandemic.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020
- Thursday, 3 September 2020
Gendering STEM Digital: Online Conference
This online symposium discusses the Gendering STEM Digital project, which brings gender considerations into the research content of the sciences.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020
- Saturday, 12 September 2020
ditact Women’s IT Summer Studies
This online summer institute incorporates collaborative learning and networking in the IT and computer science branch.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Productivity Takes Leave? Examining the Impact of Maternity Leave Policies on Academic Careers
This talk will address the effects of maternity leave on the careers of women in academia.

Monday, 31 August 2020
Lise Meitner Idea Contest
This contest will support projects that promote gender equality in academia with a prize of 2000€.

Friday, 25 September 2020
Info Cafe: Caring for Family
CANCELLED This online meeting will inform participants about the possibilities for arranging their work around the care of family members.

Monday, 24 August 2020
Creativity in Teaching
This workshop will introduce participants to creative teaching methods and give them the chance to try them out.

Thursday, 20 August 2020
Time and Self Management
This workshop helps participants develop their time and stress management skills.

Monday, 10 August 2020
- Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Basics of Project Management
This workshops provides a thorough introduction to the basics of project management.

Monday, 10 August 2020
- Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Voice and Speaking: Developing Confidence and Presence
This workshop helps participants develop their voice and presentation skills.

Friday, 31 July 2020
efas Prize for Young Scholars
This prize is awarded to BA, MA and PhD theses written by female students on topics related to gender and economics.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Call for Courses: Meccanica Feminale
This "winter school" for women in engineering is accepting proposals for lectures, seminars, and workshops on topics surrounding engineering.

Friday, 10 July 2020
Informational Event: Becoming a Professor
This event provides female academics with advice on how to become a professor at a university of applied sciences.

Thursday, 9 July 2020
- Friday, 10 July 2020
Diversity Networking Conference
This year's conference looks at how sustainable development goals can be connected with diversity and inclusion.

Friday, 3 July 2020
Corona: Shutdown for Equal Opportunities?
This online event addresses the consequences of the corona pandemic on equal opportunities work in academia.

Thursday, 2 July 2020
- Saturday, 4 July 2020
EGOS Colloquium
This virtual conference addresses questions surrounding the sociomaterial organising of work and the constitution of diversity and inequalities.

Thursday, 25 June 2020
- Friday, 26 June 2020
Application Training for Researchers
This WiNS workshop aims to provide a broader picture of career options as well as advice about applications.

Thursday, 25 June 2020
Symposium: Re-thinking Gender Equality
This symposium examines how the legal introduction of a third gender status “divers” affects gender equality politics.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Experience-Dependent Plasticity in Neuronal Circuits of the Primary Visual Cortex
Nathalie Rochefort will give a scientific lecture followed by a career talk with advice for young scientists.

Monday, 15 June 2020
univie summerschool
Applications are closing soon for this years's univie summer school on interdisciplinary gender studies.

Monday, 15 June 2020
International and Comparative Political Economy
This workshop addresses various topics in international economics, including gender.

Monday, 15 June 2020
Video Conference: Unconscious Bias
This online event examines how unconscious patterns of thinking influence our decisions and our lives.

Monday, 15 June 2020
Intersectional Approaches to Education
This webinar invites participants to reflect on ways of considering intersectionality when designing educational offerings.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Experience-Dependent Plasticity in the Brainstem
Distinguished Professor Catherine Carr will give a scientific lecture followed by a career talk with advice for young scientists.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020
The Gendered Brain
This lecture organised by the CRC 1315 discusses how the concept of neuroplasticity should inform the 'male-female brain' debate.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020
- Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Finding Balance: Career and Personal Life
This online WiNS workshop will address the question of how researchers can reconcile their career and personal life.

Friday, 15 May 2020
HU Family Fund
The Family Fund provides financial support for HU students and staff with families.

Thursday, 23 April 2020
- Thursday, 30 April 2020
Leading Teams and Research Groups
This WiNS workshop helps young researchers hone their leadership skills.

Friday, 12 June 2020
- Monday, 15 June 2020
Light, Matter, and Life: WiNS Summer School
CANCELLED This WiNS summer school will bring together female scientists at various levels working on light-matter interaction.

Friday, 15 May 2020
HU Family Festival
CANCELLED Every summer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin opens its doors, gates and garden areas for the Family Festival.

Thursday, 14 May 2020
- Friday, 15 May 2020
Gender-Fair HR Development in Academia
CANCELLED This barcamp takes a closer look at internationalisation in academia in Germany.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020
- Friday, 15 May 2020
How to Keep Going Through Tough Times: Finding your “Grit” and Keeping It
This WiNS workshop helps female students deal with stress.

Thursday, 2 April 2020
Women in STEM: Possibilities and Limits
CANCELLED This conference will address a number of topics surrounding support for women in STEM.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020
How to Keep Going Through Tough Times: Finding your “Grit” and Keeping It
CANCELLED This WiNS workshop helps female BA and MA students deal with uni-related stress.

Monday, 30 March 2020
- Tuesday, 31 March 2020
ISINA: Interdisciplinary Symposium for Women in STEM
CANCELLED This conference promotes scientific exchange among women in STEM.

Saturday, 28 March 2020
Abstract Trouble
CANCELLED This Fem4scholar workshop prepares participants to submit abstracts to conferences.

Thursday, 19 March 2020
Agile Project Management II: Time and Self-Management
CANCELLED This WiNS workshop addresses topics related to effective time and self management in science.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020
European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education
The deadline has been extended for this year's conference, which addresses gender sensitivity in academia.

Monday, 2 March 2020
Soapbox Science: Calling All Women* Scientists!
Submissions are open for this unique event, in which female* scientists present their work to the public.

Sunday, 1 March 2020
Gender Economics
This conference will focus on gender and economics as its core topic and welcomes submissions from all areas of economics.

Thursday, 20 February 2020
Voice, Body, and Speech Training
This WiNS workshop helps participant with public speaking skills, including rhetoric, body training, and stage fright.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020
- Saturday, 22 February 2020
Meccanica Feminale
This "winter school" gives female engineering students and researchers a chance to gain additional qualifications in the field.

Monday, 17 February 2020
Leadership Training Course: Information Session
This information session will provide details on an upcoming leadership course (Weiterbildung) for women.

Saturday, 15 February 2020
European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education
This year's conference will deal with a variety of topics surrounding gender sensitivity in academia.

Saturday, 15 February 2020
Toward a Feminist and Decolonial History of Philosophy
Submissions are now open for this French conference on rethinking the history of philosophy.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020
Please Mind the Gap! Gender (In)equality in Academia
This conference addresses the gender pay gap in academia.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020
Lab Tour and Career Talk with Dr. Sonal Mistry
This lab tour will offer participants a look into the workplace and career path of a postdoc at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020
Introducing Female Natural Scientists
This interdisciplinary event for the UN Day of Female Scientists will introduce important female natural scientists from history.

Friday, 7 February 2020
Day of Action Against Sexualised Harassment
This event aims to fight the taboo and normalisation of sexualised harassment, discrimination, and violence in academia.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020
Women in STEAM Kick-Off Event
The Women in STEAM initiative deals with the role of gender equality and diversity in the digitalisation and mechanisation of our society.

Friday, 31 January 2020
Defining the Future – Rethinking the Past
Papers are now being accepted for the International Association of Women Philosophers' 2020 conference.

Monday, 3 February 2020
- Wednesday, 5 February 2020
Beyond the Glass Ceiling
This conference looks into the experience of female professors with regard to recognition and marginalisation.

Friday, 24 January 2020
How are Professorships Filled?
This workshop will prepare participants for the process of applying for a professorship.

Thursday, 23 January 2020
Institutional Racism in Our Universities
This panel discussion addresses the topic of institutional racism in European universities.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020
Agile Project Management I: Basics, Key Factors and Practices
This WiNS workshop introduces participants to the basics of agile project management.

Saturday, 18 January 2020
- Monday, 20 January 2020
International Father Research Conference
This conference focusses on several aspects of research on the care practices of fathers.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020
The Sociomaterial Organising of Work and the Constitution of Diversity and Inequalities
Submissions for the 36th EGOS Colloquium are currently open.

Friday, 10 January 2020
Call for Lectures: Informatica Feminale
This international summer school is seeking proposals for lectures, workshops, and courses on themes surrounding artificial intelligence.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019
- Wednesday, 18 December 2019
Academic Career Development in Germany
In this workshop, participants will learn about the German research system and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their own CVs.

Monday, 16 December 2019
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
This event addresses the gender bias of AI in healthcare with short talks from experts and in discussion groups.

Thursday, 12 December 2019
STEM Meets Gender: Academic Cultures – Career Paths – Networks
This WiNS workshop will lead participants through a reflection on topics surrounding STEM and gender.

Friday, 6 December 2019
Shaping or Being Shaped? Views of Digitalisation in Feminist Economics
The 17th Annual efas Symposium will address questions related to feminism and the digitalisation of the economy.

Thursday, 5 December 2019
Women in Ancient Philosophy: Inclusive Classroom
This workshop addresses problems surrounding diversity in academic philosophy at the graduate level and above.

Thursday, 5 December 2019
How to Keep Going through Tough Times: Finding your “Grit” and Keeping It
This WiNS workshop helps participants find constructive ways of dealing with stress in academia.

Monday, 2 December 2019
Sexual Harassment and Sexualised Violence in Academia
These two lectures will examine how sexual harassment and gender-based violence are addressed by activists and universities.

Friday, 29 November 2019
- Saturday, 30 November 2019
Feminist Visions Before and After 1989
The conference will analyse the meaning of women’s rights and gender questions in the times surrounding the upheaval of the GDR.

Friday, 22 November 2019
Info Cafe: Studying and Family
This meeting is meant to inform participants about topics surrounding studying with a family.

Thursday, 14 November 2019
- Friday, 15 November 2019
Diversity 2019
This conferences addresses how diversity fits into the changing world of work.

Thursday, 14 November 2019
Info Session: Young Entrepreneurs in Science
This WiNS event will provide information on the Young Entrepreneurs in Science programme.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019
- Thursday, 14 November 2019
Shaping Your Future: Career Planning
This WiNS workshop will guide participants through various aspects of career decisions and planning.

Monday, 11 November 2019
- Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Success with STEM – Shaping Careers, Unlocking Potentials
This event will present the key results of the project "Success in STEM — New opportunities for women".

Thursday, 7 November 2019
Geo.X Career Day: Research-Based Job Opportunities
This career day is about considering research-based job opportunities close to academia.

Thursday, 7 November 2019
Processes of Evaluation, Decision-Making, and Distribution in Academia
This conference addresses topics surrounding gender and leadership in academia.

Thursday, 7 November 2019
Science Rush Hour
Female scientists will present the fascinating research in pop-up labs at Berlin underground stations and provide brief insights into a wide variety of scientific worlds.

Thursday, 7 November 2019
Gender Matters: Innovation through Intersectionality
This event brings together a panel of German and Canadian researchers for talks on a variety of gender-related topics.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Hilda Geiringer Lecture
Xiaohong Chen will speak at this year's Hilda Geiringer Lecture, an annual lecture series that aims to inspire female scientists.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019
- Thursday, 7 November 2019
Gender-Conscious Teaching in Engineering and Computer Science
This workshop aims to help instructors make their teaching more gender-sensitive.

Thursday, 31 October 2019
WiNS Mentoring Programme
The WiNS Mentoring Programme connects female PhD students and postdocs with successful scientists in their field.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019
The Path to Professor: Qualification Requirements and Application Processes
This event will provide information on the prospects for becoming a professor.

Friday, 25 October 2019
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
As a part of this workshop, the Federal Anti-Discrimination Office will introduce the results of the study “Strategies in Dealing with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace".

Thursday, 24 October 2019
Funding opportunities for stays abroad during your doctorate
This WiNS Adlershof event will give you insights into how you can gain international experience.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Fem Power Conference
This conference aims to create a dialogue between theory and practice in the shaping of equal opportunity policies.

Saturday, 19 October 2019
- Sunday, 20 October 2019
Formulating and Defending Strong Feminist Arguments
This two-part workshop aims to promote feminist activism in science.

Thursday, 17 October 2019
- Friday, 18 October 2019
Fempower your Future: Day for Female Professors
This event is meant to support female researchers on the way to becoming a professor.

Thursday, 17 October 2019
Finding Balance: Career and Personal Life
This WiNS workshop will address the question of how researchers can reconcile their career and personal life.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019
- Saturday, 19 October 2019
Humans, Machines and Gender
This interdisciplinary conference addresses the entanglements between humans and machines in science and everyday life.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019
50 Years Later – 50 Years Further?
This symposium at the Max Planck Society looks at how far gender equality have come in the last 50 years and what still needs to be done.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019
Everything You Need to Know About Mentoring
This event provides information on participating in the WiNS Adlershof mentoring program.

Friday, 11 October 2019
- Saturday, 12 October 2019
Diffracting AI and Robotics
This symposium and workshop explore questions surrounding AI and robotics from a decolonial and feminist perspective.

Friday, 4 October 2019
- Sunday, 6 October 2019
Non-Discriminatory Writing
This workshop will teach participants how to make their writing more respectful and inclusive.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019
Quo vadis? Family and Academia 2030
This conference looks towards the future of family friendliness at institutions of higher education.

Friday, 27 September 2019
GenderSTEM 4.0
This day-long event includes panel discussions and workshops on the topic of gender and STEM.

Thursday, 26 September 2019
- Friday, 27 September 2019
Women in STEM
This symposium addresses questions about the potential of equal opportunities measures in STEM fields.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Sex and Gender in Biomedical Research
This symposium explores the need to consider sex and gender in biomedical research.

Friday, 20 September 2019
- Saturday, 21 September 2019
I, Scientist
This Berlin-based conference addresses the obvious gender imbalance in STEM fields.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Info Cafe: Caring for Family
This meeting will inform participants about the possibilities for arranging their work around the care of family members.

Monday, 16 September 2019
- Tuesday, 17 September 2019
Inequality vs Inclusiveness in Changing Academic Governance
This conference addresses the topic of unconscious bias in academia.

Monday, 9 September 2019
- Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Academic Poster Presentation
This workshop will prepare participants to make the most of their poster presentation.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019
- Thursday, 29 August 2019
Grant Application Writing for PhD Candidates
This course aims to familiarise participants with strategies for writing successful grant/fellowship applications.

Monday, 19 August 2019
- Saturday, 31 August 2019
ditact Women’s IT Summer Studies
This summer university incorporates collaborative learning and networking in the IT and computer science branch.

Monday, 19 August 2019
- Tuesday, 20 August 2019
PhD Disputation Training
This workshop will help doctoral candidates prepare for the defence of their PhD dissertations.

Thursday, 15 August 2019
efas Symposium: Gender and Digitalisation
Submissions are open for posters and talks related to gender and digitalisation.

Monday, 12 August 2019
- Friday, 30 August 2019
Informatica Feminale
This International Summer University for Women in Computing is open to women students and professionals.

Monday, 12 August 2019
- Friday, 30 August 2019
Summer University Women in Engineering
This summer university provides instruction in engineering and networking opportunities to female students and professionals.

Wednesday, 31 July 2019
efas Prize
This prize is awarded to bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses written by female students on topics related to gender and economics.

Monday, 29 July 2019
- Friday, 2 August 2019
Libori Summer School
This summer school focusses on women philosophers and will take place at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers in Paderborn.

Friday, 12 July 2019
Listen to Me! Communicate to Persuade
This WiNS workshop helps participants develop their communication skills in order to better convey their skills and qualifications.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019
- Friday, 5 July 2019
This self-organised workshop examines the possibilities for supporting women in their postdoc phase.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Empowerment Workshop: Setting Boundaries!
This workshop will empower participants to defend themselves against sexualised boundary transgressions.

Monday, 24 June 2019
Professorships at Universities of Applied Sciences
This WiNS event will inform participants about what it takes to become a professor at a university of applied sciences.

Saturday, 22 June 2019
Soapbox Science
Soapbox Science aims to increase the visibility of women* in science and give women scientists the chance to present their work to the general public.

Thursday, 20 June 2019
Career Day – Perspectives for Women in Life Sciences
This career day will provide perspectives on careers in the life sciences.

Thursday, 20 June 2019
Women’s Networks and Women Networking
This panel discussion addresses networking for women, with a focus on STEM fields.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Find your Inner Compass: Life and Career Navigation System
This WiNS workshop aims to help female PhD students and postdocs find orientation in their careers.

Friday, 14 June 2019
- Monday, 17 June 2019
Light, colors, matter: Why do we see what we see?
This four-day WiNS summer school will introduce female students to spectroscopy and light-matter interactions.

Friday, 7 June 2019
Career Path Professor: What Does “Practice” Mean?
This workshop helps scholars in the STEM field prepare for professorship applications.

Thursday, 6 June 2019
- Friday, 7 June 2019
Spot the Stereotype!
This conference examines the role of stereotypes in a variety of disciplines from the humanities and social sciences.

Monday, 3 June 2019
- Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Emmy Noether Conference: How Do New Concepts Emerge?
This interdisciplinary symposium honours mathematician Emmy Noether.

Sunday, 2 June 2019
Applying for PhD Funding
This workshop will better enable participants to apply for funding from major German foundations.

Thursday, 30 May 2019
Elisabeth of Bohemia Prize
This philosophy prize is awarded to an outstanding scholar working on women in the history of philosophy.

Friday, 24 May 2019
Family Festival
Every summer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin opens its doors, gates and garden areas for the Family Festival.

Thursday, 23 May 2019
Gender and Applied Sciences
On the occasion of its 10-year anniversary, the Gender- und Technik-Zentrum at Beuth Hochschule für Technik is hosting a day of lectures and workshops.

Sunday, 19 May 2019
Educate to Inspire: Creating Convincing Teaching Concepts
This seminar will enable participants to design inspirational teaching concepts.

Saturday, 18 May 2019
Navigating the Job Jungle: Success on the Academic Job Market
This workshop is meant for PhD students who want to get a clearer picture of academic job prospects.

Thursday, 16 May 2019
Application Training for Researchers
This WiNS workshop will extend participants’ perception of their career options and give advice about applications.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019
- Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Gender and Diversity in the Teaching of Natural Science
This lecture series looks at how gender and diversity considerations can be productively integrated into in university didactics.

Sunday, 5 May 2019
Self-Presentation and Empowerment for an Academic Career Path
This workshop will provide insight into academic structures and encourage self-reflection.

Friday, 3 May 2019
Female Philosophers in Antiquity
This philosophy workshop will give an introduction to three lesser-known female ancient philosophers.

Saturday, 27 April 2019
RiseUp – Empowering Potentials
This workshop, organised by the August-Bebel-Institut, is meant to empower women* to reach their full potentials.

Thursday, 25 April 2019
Gender in Algorithmic Systems
This GEWINN symposium addresses the increasing influence of Algorithm-based decision-making processes on society and research.

Thursday, 11 April 2019
Research Data Management
This WiNS workshop will provide an introduction to professionally managing digital research data.

Thursday, 28 March 2019
Gender Competence in STEM for Teaching
This workshop is designed to deepen participants' gender competences in teaching, especially in MINT subjects.

Thursday, 21 March 2019
Time and Self Management for Researchers
This WiNS workshop focuses on strengthening self and team management.

Sunday, 17 March 2019
Women’s STEM Award
Female STEM graduates can submit their bachelor's or master's thesis to win a 3,000 euro prize.

Thursday, 14 February 2019
- Friday, 15 February 2019
Shaping Your Future
This WiNS workshop facilitates your personal career decision, combining an individual qualification profile with your personal motivators.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019
Leadership Skills for Researchers
This WiNS Workshop is part of a key competences training. Social skills are critical abilities when building a scientific career.

Friday, 11 January 2019
How to Keep Going Through Tough Times: Finding your “Grit”
This WiNS workshop helps participants find constructive way of dealing with stress in academia.

Monday, 12 November 2018
Hilda Geiringer Lecture 2018 with Natalie Packham
The Lecture Series is organised by IRTG 1792 and features Natalie Packham this year, talking on “Correlations in credit stress testing”.

Monday, 5 November 2018
Make an Impact! Presentation Skills for Female Scientists
This WiNS workshop helps participants improve their oral presentation skills.

Monday, 5 November 2018
45 percent of new professorships for women
Almost 24 percent of professorships nationwide are held by women. According to current information, the figure in Berlin is significantly higher.

Thursday, 25 October 2018
Geo.X Career Day
The Geo.X network is hosting its annual Career Day with the topic "Career Navigation - Equal Opportunities in and Outside Academia".

Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Agile Project Management. Productive Project Management in Science
This WiNS workshop helps participants fine tune their agile project management skills.