Informatica Feminale
Tuesday-Saturday, 27-31 July 2021
Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
German and English
Deadline: 30 June 2021
Register here
Participation fees
Further information
The 24th annual International Summer University for Women in Computing will take place online and in person! Every year the Informatica Feminale offers compact teachings in computing and ICT for women students of all types from universities and colleges as well as for women professionals interested in further training. The processes of entering higher education, developing a student career, transitioning into the labour market and lifelong academic learning are given equal attention. This year’s theme is data science.
The summer university aims to give space and time for critical reflections and highly welcomes experimental debates on the relationship between technological knowledge and developments in societies. Course material will deal with applications of technical know-how in spaces for work and life (for example within care, education, health, food, household, mobility, social networking, publicity, sports, militarisation, etc.) from feminist perspectives.