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EXC 2025

Matters of Activity. Image Space Material
Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schäffner
Coordinator Dr. Kerstin Germer
Contact Details +49 30 2093 66257 [​at​]

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
D–10099 Berlin

Research Programme

The cluster ‘Matters of Activity. Image Space Material’ aims to create a basis for a new culture of materials. The central vision of the cluster is to rediscover the analog in the activity of images, spaces and materials in the age of the digital. Biology and technology, mind and material, nature and culture intertwine in a new way. In this context, the interdisciplinary research and development of sustainable practices and structures is a central concern in areas such as architecture and soft robotics, textiles, materials and digital filters, and surgical cutting techniques.

In six projects, more than 40 disciplines systematically investigate design strategies for active materials and structures that adapt to specific requirements and environments. The cluster focuses on a new role of design, which is emerging in the context of growing diversity and the continuous development of materials and visualization forms in all disciplines.

Promoting equal opportunities in the EXC 2025

The promotion of women at all levels of academic qualification and management positions, gender- and diversity-sensitive organizational development, and compatibility of family and career for all members are at the core of the Cluster’s equal opportunity activities. Areas of action include research, teaching and learning, early career support, personnel development and infrastructures. With the aim to promote structurally underrepresented individuals in all status groups and across all subject areas, the Cluster allocates at least 1% of its annual budget to the support of equal opportunity measures.


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