Gender in (Dis)Order?!: Binary Constructions of Gender in Research
Thursday, 11 November 2021 – Thursday, 17 February 2021, 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Koordinationsbüro für Chancengleichheit der Universität Potsdam
Please contact organisers for further details
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Further information
This interdisciplinary lecture series is all about gender as a continuum in the discourse of the disciplines: How are trans*, inter* and non-binary (TIN) subject positions discussed beyond the binary norm of man and woman in various fields? The lecture series invites participants to take a queer and intersectional look at gender and its construction in current research. The lecture series responds to current social, legal, and everyday discourses such as the amendment of the Personenstandsgesetz, demands for gender-fair language, and a TINclusive university. It thus moves in the space between theory and practice.