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Women* and the Humanities

The average percentage of women* professors in Germany is 23%, a number many scholars are familiar with by now.

But why is it that women* are underrepresented in higher-level positions in academia, specifically in the humanities? The authors of this article interviewed women* in the humanities from different generations and stages in their careers and asked about their experiences of everyday life in academia.

They all agreed on one thing: Some things need to change in the culture of academia — more team spirit and less competition; more of a chance to make it into the field without a perfect CV; and more appreciation for researchers’ lives outside of academia.

Another thing they all agreed on: There’s still a lot of work to do. And quotas, though helpful, are not the be-all and end-all of gender equality.

To learn more and to read the original interviews, view the article in German on Zeitgeschichte Online.

Photo: Zeitgeschichte Online, interview stills.


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