Empowerment Workshop: Setting Boundaries!
Date and time
Wednesday, 3 July 2019, 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Juristische Fakultät, HU Berlin
Bebelplatz 2, Raum 326, 3. OG
10117 Berlin
Target group
All women* and trans* people who work or study at the HU
Central Women’s Representative of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Registration deadline
26 June 2019
Register with celina.pruefer.1@hu-berlin.de
Workshop leaders
Monika Hermann and Nives Bercht
Further information
The successful workshop “Setting Boundaries!” will take place once again in 2019. The empowerment workshop is aimed at all women* and trans* people who work or study at the HU. It will impart strategies for verbally, non-verbally, and physically defending yourself against sexualised transgressions of your boundaries.
For further information, see the workshop flyer and website.
About the workshop leaders
Monika Hermann is a jurist and consultant with specialisation in anti-discrimination law, labour law, migration law, bullying, and conflict. She also works as a mediator and systematic organisation developer. She is an acting member of the hardship commission for the Flüchtlingsrat Berlin.
Nives Bercht is a Wendo trainer. Wendo is a type of assertiveness training for women and girls, which teaches self-confidence, verbal confrontation, and boundary setting using voice, body language, and extrication techniques. Nives Bercht teaches at wendo Berlin (www.wendo-berlin.de).