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Consulting on Sustainability


Friday, 12 May 2023, 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.




WiNS Adlershof program (Women in Natural Sciences)


Please contact organiser for further details

Registration and contact

Dr. Petra Metz | 030 / 2093 – 3139

Further information

WiNS Mentoring website

Consulting is an attractive and stimulating career option in the private sector for many scientists, but it is often idealised. What does it actually mean to work in consulting after a PhD, especially with a focus on sustainability? What are the prerequisites and skills needed to get started? And to what extent does it pay to have a scientific background?

This networking event offers first-hand information and experience on the transition from academia to the private sector.
After completing her PhD in biochemistry, Camilla de Nardis decided to switch to a career in sustainability. She started from scratch, first as a scientific writer creating a grass-root sustainability team and then as a communications and sustainability manager for a biotech company, where she developed her own role and further professionalized with a postgraduate education in sustainable business. Today, after some changes that she describes as a “refinement process”, she works as a senior sustainability consultant for Capgemini in the Netherlands and she is sharing her professional experience with the WiNS network.

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