Gender-Fair Language: Still a Controversial Discussion?
Wednesday, 21 April 2021, 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
FEMPOWER Hochschule Merseburg
Please contact organisers for further details
Deadline: 20 April 2021
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This lunch lecture will address the controversial topic of gender-fair language (also called “Gendern” in German). The talk will start by giving an overview of the various forms currently in use, history, and the current state of the debate, including popular arguments and misconceptions surrounding the “generic masculine”. Why is gender-fair language such a sensitive topic? And what power does language hold? Join the discussion!
The FEM POWER Lunch Lecture series aims to open up spaces for thought and provide new stimuli – and eating is explicitly allowed! Thematic input serves as the metaphoric appetiser for exchanging arguments and food for thought with each other. Due to the corona pandemic, the Lunch Lectures currently take place online. Interactive components are strengthened using digital tools.