International and Comparative Political Economy
Thursday-Friday, 26-27 November 2020
Online via Zoom
The Cologne Center for Comparative Politics and the Excellence Cluster ECONtribute
Target group
Early career researchers
Further information and programme
The Cologne Center for Comparative Politics and the Excellence Cluster ECONtribute (ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy EXC 2126) are jointly hosting an international workshop on “International and Comparative Political Economy”. The workshop will feature the work of early career researchers working in this area. The workshop will offer four panels on different themes. Individual papers might formulate and address research questions on the micro-, meso- or macrolevel and use whatever quantitative, qualitative or mixed-method design is appropriate to answer the question. Each of the four panels will feature a keynote lecture by an invited scholar who is an expert in this field.
The topics of the four panels are: inequality and redistribution; the political economy of gender; governance and power in the digital economy; the international political economy of trade and migration.