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Mentoring Programme at Charité

Application deadline

Friday, 15 July 2023

Programme start

September 2023


Mentoring Competence Center at the Charité

Target group

Female postdocs, PhD students in the final stage of their dissertation, junior professors, and junior group leaders


Dr. Ingar Abels | Contact here

Further information and application materials

Programme webpage

In university medicine, it is still the case that women attain leadership positions far less often than men do. The mentoring programme at the Charité is attempting to work against this phenomenon of a “leaky pipeline.” Through contact with a very successful mentor, women gain access to guiding examples of distinctive career paths, leadership abilities, the art of diplomacy, strategic career decisions, and so on.

In the seminar program, there will be training in “soft skills” such as clear communication, maintaining a self-assured demeanor, leadership, etc. In the networking portion of the program, additional relationships to colleagues will be fostered and nurtured.

The core concept of mentoring is that in order to attain professional success, qualifications and dedication are not sufficient on their own; rather, first and foremost, there is a need for supportive relationships. The mentoring programme at the Charité attempts to work precisely from this premise and make possible and promote these supportive relationships through mentoring tandem partnerships, as well as through networking groups.

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