7th “MINT” Network Meeting: STEM Women for Climate Protection
Wednesday, 19 July 2023 4.30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
Please contact organiser for information
Register here
Pia Burkhardt: pia.burkhardt@steinbeis-europa.de
Further Information
Climate protection and STEM disciplines form a promising and forward-looking combination, because almost all STEM professions play a major role in the fields of climate and environmental protection. The changes in these fields show a high dynamic, the social and economic importance of these topics is enormous. Interdisciplinary interest is growing and motivation is high to contribute to sustainable solutions. But it is precisely these areas that are at the same time strongly affected by the shortage of skilled workers and the problem of young talent.
The programme for the 7th “MINT” Network Meeting will include an inspiring keynote speech by Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Executive Director of the German Sustainable Building Council DGNB e.V. on the topic: Climate protection – diversity of skilled workers. Additionally the evening will provide exciting short presentations as well as breakout sessions, in which you will have the opportunity to engage with the speakers and discuss sustainability in construction.
The full programme can be found on the webpage in the second half of July.