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Application training for scientists: CV and cover letter


Friday, 21 April 2023


Johann von Neumann-Haus (Department of Computer Science), Humboldt-Kabinett, Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin, 1st Floor, between Haus 3 & 4

Target group

Female PhD students and postdocs; max. 16 participants


WiNS Adlershof programme (Women in Natural Sciences)




Ilona Kiarang

Registration deadline

10 April 2023
Register with Dr. Petra Metz:

Further information


This workshop will give an overview on current application trends outside academia. It will help the participants assessing their strengths and presenting themselves in a professional way. The first step is to look at competencies and identify hard and soft (= transferable) skills. Discussing the CV basics and options – and specifically working on meaningful bullet points – will provide guidance on how to improve your individual CV.

The employers’ perspective should always be taken into account and application documents should be tailor-made for each individual job offer. Tips will be provided on how to analyse job descriptions. Furthermore participants will get advice how best to promote their expertise as well as their motivation and personality in a cover letter format. In this seminar participants will perform practical exercises and receive feedback in small group discussions.

Important note: For admission to this course you will have to hand in a current application (job description, cover letter and CV). You should be willing to do some homework in advance and share your documents with your peers. You will receive an email beforehand explaining the details.

Person at laptop
Photo: Brooke Cagle


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