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Academic and Cross-Sectoral Careers for more Diversity in Leadership


October 2023

Application Deadline

Friday, 19 May 2023
You can access the application form here and send it to:

Applications may be submitted in English or German


BR50 and Perrett Laver



Target Group

Aspiring female leaders who are in temporary academic or cultural sector positions and are eager to reach a leadership role within their own or another sector, such as the private, the public service/government, and/or the non-profit ones

Further information


Diversity and Equality are widely discussed, yet their implementation often poses major challenges across practices and sectors. Diversity is about access and fairness regardless of ethnicity, age, or sexual orientation, which will ultimately lead to diverse student bodies, curricula, and knowledge production.

To overcome gender inequality and the gender pay gap and to support women to achieve top-level positions, the leading international executive search firm Perrett Laver together with BR50 has set up a mentoring programme in 2023.

You have finished your PhD and have some years of experience in a leadership position, e.g. as a group leader or scientific or administrative project coordinator, but you are still working on fixed- term contracts? You feel stuck in your position or your institution without further prospect of getting promoted? You would like to reach the next step in your career, but lack the support or available positions and, thus, would profit from a mentor? You are eager to leave your bubble and explore career options outside of your current sector?

If that’s the case, this mentoring programme might be for you. The programme offers workshops, interventions, such as sponsorship and targeted recruitment across sectors.

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