Women in STEAM Kick-Off Event
Date and time
Tuesday, 4 February 2020, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Einstein Center Digital Future
Wilhelmstraße 67 | 10117 Berlin
ECDF Women in STEAM team
Short lectures by Prof. Dr. Gesche Joost, Prof. Dr. Corinna Bath and Prof. Dr. Aysel Yollu-Tok; Mini-Workshops
Deadline: 21 January 2020
Email info@digital-future.berlin
Further information
The Women in STEAM initiative — which, in addition to STEM, also includes “Arts and humanities” — was brought to life by the female researchers at the Einstein Center Digital Future. The goal is to contribute to the conversation about the role of gender equality and diversity in the digitalisation and mechanisation of our society, and thus strengthen research in this field here in Berlin as well as on the national and international level.
In order to start the initiative together with you as an active community in Berlin, the team at the ECDF is organising this kick off event.