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» Archive-Post » Gender-Fair Digital Teaching: How Gender Topics Can Be Integrated Into Digital STEM Teaching
Monday, 17 January 2022

Gender-Fair Digital Teaching: How Gender Topics Can Be Integrated Into Digital STEM Teaching

Date and time

Monday, 17 January 2022, 4-6 p.m.




Gender- und Frauenforschungszentrum der hessischen Hochschulen


Please contact organisers for further details


Deadline: Three days before event
Register here

Further information

Lecture series webpage

Sigrid Schmitz will present the open access portal Gendering MINT digital. Based on approaches from critical technoscientific literacy and constructivist, electronically supported learning, it provides open educational resources for students in STEM subjects. It contains modularly connected learning units with integrated visuals, animated videos, podcasts, quizzes and reflection tasks that can be used in courses, workshops and gender equality initiatives according to the principle of the inverted classroom. The aim is to raise awareness of the relevance of gender in one’s own subjects and to promote reflection in gender research oriented towards natural and technical science. The discussion will use the concrete example of how the integration of gender aspects in digital STEM teaching can succeed and what is required for this.

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