#MeToo in Academia: Symposium on Sexualised Violence and Discrimination
Tuesday, 29 September 2020 – Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit – Präventionsstelle Diskriminierung und sexuelle Belästigung, Gleichstellungsbüro der MLU, Gleichstellungskommission der Hochschule Merseburg, Büro für Gleichstellung der BURG Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
Participation fee
Deadline: 21 September 2020
Registration required for participation. Register for the entire symposium or individual events.
Register here
Further information and programme
Hashtags like #MeToo raise collective awareness: Sexualised violence and discrimination is still a relevant topic, though often tabooed. It can occur in all social spheres – academic institutions are not exempt from that and are therefore obligated to actively fight discrimination, sexual harassment and violence in their spatial and cultural infrastructure.
In this week-long, online symposium, the organisers aim to shed light on this complex and important topic, especially as it relates to members of academic institutions. They want to discuss legal conditions, protection gaps, duties and possibilities for action, as well as create a space that allows exchange of experiences.
Since confident action taking relies so much on the details, the organisers also want to discuss specifics that are relevant to the people (potentially) affected by these topics – in particular with regard to various status groups and intersecting forms of discrimination including racism, ableism, or LGBTIQ*-phobia.
The symposium is equally intended for students, leadership, administration, teachers and researchers and aims to encourage and empower (pro)active and confident action in participants.