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Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Gender-Fair in the Pandemic


Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Conference date

3-4 December 2020

Conference venue

TBD (online, offline, or hybrid)


efas Network


Submit to
Max. one page as PDF

Further information

Available here

The efas (economy feminism and science) network invites researchers to submit ideas for talks on the topic of women in the corona crisis. Both works in progress as well as finished papers are welcome.

The corona pandemic has brought with it a number challenges that need to be analysed by feminist economists. The question once again arises – what significance does the the work of women have for society and how does this translate into pay? One way this manifests is in unpaid care work, which has become a particularly relevant topic during the shutdown. Another way is in the paid work that women do, for example in the healthcare system or in grocery stores. These jobs were categorised as ‘essential work’, in the sense that our system cannot function without them, and yet they are still underpaid. And finally, women have been disproportionately affected by the economic crisis as well, as statistics about Kurzarbeit show.

Submissions should be related to these topics, as well as the following questions:

  • Which theories and approaches from feminist economics can help us to understand our current situation?
  • Which new insights and concepts do we need?
  • What effects do the various economic-political measures have on women and gender relations?
  • What do we have to do in order to sustainably improve wages and working conditions in care professions?
  • Which reforms do we need in order to achieve a fair division of house work in couples?
  • What kind of gender-fair suggestions could we imagine for these various challenges? And how do we implement them?
Photo: Luke Jones

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