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The HU Guide to Gender-Fair Language

Language is diverse, and the words we use matter. Studies have shown that numerous issues in equal opportunities are influenced by gendered language — including the gender wage gap, hiring practices, and the perceived self-efficacy of primary school pupils in stereotypically male jobs. Further, language can serve to recognise and include people just as much as it can serve to exclude people.

The brochure “Language is diverse — The HU’s guide to gender-fair language” offers a compact, practical overview of how we can implement inclusive language in our everyday life at university. The guide was developed by the Central Women’s Representative and her team and was recommended by university leadership for all members of the HU. It mainly addresses the German language.

The brochure includes general suggestions, as well as a list of specific gender neutral terms that are relevant to academia (eg “Beteiligte” instead of “Akteure” and “Redeliste” instead of “Rednerliste”). You’ll also find a glossary explaining terms and concepts surrounding gender.

The full guide can be viewed and downloaded here.

Image: Giulia Cappello

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