Call for Papers: Classism in University and Society
Friday, 7 July 2023
Conference Dates
Thursday, 21 – Friday, 22 March 2024
Please contact organiser for further information on language
Conference Venue
Technischen Universität Darmstadt
Further information
“Classism” refers to discrimination, devaluation and exclusion that people experience on the basis of their social origin or social positioning and serves to justify and stabilize relations of inequality. The concept of classism has been the subject of increasing interest in recent years and has sparked a controversial debate, particularly in the feature pages and social media. Despite a long history of the term, it is a rather young term within German-language discourses, which is now increasingly implemented in anti-discrimination concepts as a discrimination category, albeit one that continues to be rather marginal. Whether “classism” is absorbed into a discrimination category and which political, but also theoretical horizons of meaning classism critique is able to open, is part of the discursive disputes.
The conference is intended to provide an opportunity to examine these controversies in relation to each other, to look at social spheres and institutions in their function of reproducing social inequality, to analyze classism as it is interwoven with other relations of oppression, and to discuss approaches to making classism visible and sensitive, as well as to provide impulses for a theory and practice critical of classism. In addition to academic contributions, activist approaches will also be included.