Gender Diversity at Institutions of Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Date and time
Thursday, 7 April 2022, 2-4 p.m.
Netzwerk Diversität an Thüringer Hochschulen
In this lecture, terms that often come up in connection with gender diversity, such as inter*, trans*, diverse and a binary, will be explained in an easily understandable way. What are the experiences of trans* and abinary people in the context of higher education? What challenges and opportunities does gender diversity present? What are the current everyday experiences of these groups in the context of higher education?
Are there structural conditions that reinforce discrimination against trans* and abinary students and what measures mitigate disadvantage? How is it possible to deal with gender diversity as a matter of course in personal encounters in everyday university life?
There will be an additional opportunity for networking for trans*, inter* and non-binary people (TIN*), moderated by Né Fink after the lecture from 4 to 5 p.m.