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» Archive-Post » Gender-Fair and Discrimination-Critical Language

Gender-Fair and Discrimination-Critical Language

Date and time

Thursday, 26 January 2023, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.



Participation fee

90€ for participants with no affiliation with ASH


Gender Equality Office at Alice Salomon Hochschule


Please contact organiser for further details

Workshop leader

Nik Schinzler


Please register with

Further information

Workshop series webpage

For decades, attempts have been made to establish language change that is gender-fair and critical of discrimination, and for just as long, these attempts have met with sometimes fierce resistance. When it is requested that the generic masculine is replaced by forms with gender asterisks or when racist street names are slated to be replaced, opponents of these changes cast language as an untouchable and unchangeable cultural asset. The battle being waged against language change ultimately makes clear how powerful language is, in that it does not simply depict reality but also helps construct it and shapes our perception. Language is thus also an instrument of power and exclusion. It is subject to (social) change and participates in it. Using language in a way that is gender-fair and critical of discrimination thus actively contributes to social change and to the equal recognition and participation of ALL people.

Photo of notebook, pen, and book
Photo: Aaron Burden

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