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» Archive-Post » Toward a Feminist and Decolonial History of Philosophy
Saturday, 15 February 2020

Toward a Feminist and Decolonial History of Philosophy

Submission deadline

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Notification of acceptance

15 April 2020

Conference dates

1-2 October 2020 & 2-6 December 2020

Conference venue

Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier & Université Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès

Submission language

French (Presentations in English allowed; see below for details)


Submission guidelines

See below

Further information

Conference website (in French)

The history of philosophy, as a discipline and as a field of research, appears today in crisis. Under the effect of the independent development of postcolonial and decolonial studies on the one hand, of feminist and gender studies on the other hand, many scholars are defending the idea of a necessary and in-depth renewal of its methods and objects. Indeed, it now seems impossible to continue to ignore the many texts in which philosophers belonging to the Western canon justify colonisation, defend ethnocentric or racist positions, legitimise male domination and exclusion of women from the polis, and naturalise differences produced by the domination itself. To turn a blind eye to such moments, under the pretext that they would only refer to the prejudices of their authors, is in no way satisfactory.

Thematic Axes

1) Reading of the canonical texts of the history of philosophy under the prism of issues relating to male domination, sexual difference, sex and gender, sexuality, etc.

2) Decolonial history of philosophy: (re) interpretation of philosophical texts / concepts in light of issues of race, racism, colonialism, coloniality, etc.

3) Processes of material and symbolic exclusion of women and racialised people from the field of philosophy

4) Exhumation, reading and exegesis of the texts of forgotten and minorised philosophers (women, racialised people, etc.)

5) Re-appropriation or abandonment of the operative concepts of masculinist, racist and imperialist philosophical systems

6) What new method(s) for a feminist and decolonial history of philosophy?

7) Feminist and decolonial pedagogy and didactics of philosophy

8) Feminist theology: feminist and queer exegesis, (re)reading religious texts from a gender perspective


Submission guidelines

Proposals, including the title of the paper, a summary of up to 500 words, 5 keywords, a short bibliography (5 references), as well as the name and affiliation of the author, should be sent to the following email address:, no later than 15 February 2020. Please send a file (formats .doc, .docx, .pdf) with a title as follows : “LASTNAME_FirstName_philofemdeco”.

Proposals should be submitted in French. However, it is possible to present in any language, provided that the text of the presentation can be displayed in French during the talk. Discussions will also be held in French.

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