Shaping or Being Shaped? Views of Digitalisation in Feminist Economics
Date and time
Friday, 6 December 2019, 9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
HTW Berlin
Campus Wilhelminenhof
Room H001
Via email to
Available on request in advance
Further information and programme
This year’s efas Symposium addresses the topic “Shaping or being shaped? Views of digitalisation in feminist economics.”
The symposium will deal with topics like the following: the effects of digitalisation on the employment situation for women in various fields, what digitalisation means for the care sector, the potential that artificial intelligence has to give rise to discrimination, which new questions arise from the platform economy, and much more. The organisers also hope to address the question of how the processes of digitalisation can be shaped in a feminist manner.
Additionally, the efas Prize for young researchers will be awarded and current research projects will be discussed in the research forum.