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Mentoring and Role Model Events

What steps do I need to take in order to reach my academic goals? What is it like to be the first person in a family to pursue a PhD and academic career? How can these careers be reconciled with a private life and/or care responsibilities?

Mentoring and role model events address crucial questions of academic career advancement in safe environments through the establishment of short-term or sustained relationships between mentees and mentors. Mentors share valuable first-hand experience, offer advice, and may provide helpful connections in your academic field.

Meetings can take place on an individual basis or as part of mentoring programmes and role model event series. Participation fees in existing programmes or incurred costs for events organized by research alliances can be covered by the DFG’s Standard Allowance for Equity and Diversity.

Further information:

  • Female PhD candidates and postdocs in the natural sciences and mathematics may take part in WiNS-Mentoringat HU campus Adlershof.
  • If you are a female (post-)doctoral researcher in a coordinated programme and want to support female pupils who are interested in the Natural Sciences, feel free to contact the mentoring programme Club Lise
  • Some research alliances within the METIS network have established long-running role model events for female researchers (e.g., Math+’s Kovalevskaya Lunch). We advise contacting your research coordinator to inquire about the possibilities for conducting similar events.
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