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» Service for Members


Female PhD students can use coaching for support with specific goals, such as dissertation completion or career planning.


Costs for participation in mentoring programmes can be covered with gender equality funds.

Integrating Gender as a Research Category

Do you want to organise a conference which helps integrate gender into your research area? You can use gender equality funds to organise a scientific event, buy academic literature or commission a consultation.

Gender Awareness Training

Gender awareness training can facilitate positive group interactions, reduce discrimination, and promote sensitivity to gender topics in the workplace.

Kids Toy Box

If you bring your child to work, Kids Toy Box can provide interesting things for them to play with.

Home Office Equipment

If you care for your baby while working from home, you can use family funds for home office equipment.

Flexible Child Care

Flexible Child Care can be used during conferences, workshops, and in emergency cases such as a child getting sick.

Parent-Child Rooms

Parent-child rooms can be used by parents and their children for studying, nursing and taking a rest.

Career Days

Career days provide students, PhD students, and postdocs with an overview of job opportunities and different employers.


Any networking event that supports female researchers in broadening their network can be paid for with gender equality funds.

Training & Qualification

Workshops covering topics like presentation style, application writing, and leadership skills can be paid for with gender equality funds.

Summer Schools

At summer schools, female students and PhD candidates work with experts on specific topics for one or two weeks.

Female Subproject Manager

Equal opportunities funds may be used to employ young female scholars for a new subproject management position.

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