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» Service for Members » Coaching


Coaching is a form of professional development in which a coach supports a learner in achieving a specific goal such as dissertation completion, career planning or transitioning into the postdoc phase by providing training and guidance. It usually includes several personal consultations in order to develop an academic career plan, learn how to encounter work challenges and set out the next steps to be taken. In order to be financed be research associations’ gender equality funds, coaches need to have a specific training and focus on specific tasks or objectives in your academic career.

Additionally Hochschulcoaching Berlin (English: “Academic Coaching Berlin”) offers coaching, supervision, conflict resolution and mediation for PhD students, postdocs, lecturers and wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen (academic staff) affiliated with Berlin universities and institutions of higher education. PhD students without a position at a university are also welcome.
For those looking for mutual support in a group setting, they also offers peer groups.

You can also find coaches who are aware of issues with regard to gender and diversity on the website of the Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen e.V.

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Photo: Travelnow

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